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    Title The Application of Pragmatic Analysis to CET-4 & CET-6 Listening Comprehension Training
    English listening comprehension containing conversational implicature is rather difficult for college students and Grice’s Cooperation Principle and Leech’s Politeness Principle are referential and constructive to the analysis of conversational implicature. This paper briefly introduces Grice’s Cooperation Principle and Leech’s Politeness Principle and collected the corpus of Section A of the listening comprehension in CET-4&CET-6. The aim of the paper is to make specific explanation for the conversation which violates the Cooperation Principle and analyses people’s communication in the consideration of politeness and help students understand conversational implicature when taking tests and know how to deal with it. From research, it is found that the questions containing conversational implicature account for nearly one third in the section A of the listening comprehension of CET-4&CET-6 respectively. So it is necessary for teachers to introduce the theory of conversational implicature in classroom instruction and improve student’s pragmatic competence. It is hoped that this paper is beneficial to the teaching of college English listening comprehension and provide advices for language teachers and students.
    Keywords   Cooperation Principle   Politeness Principle   Conversational Implicature   Conversation
    Table of Contents
    1  Introduction                                                   1
    2  Literature Review                                              3
    2.1  Pragmatics Theory    3
    2.2  Conversational Implicature and Two Pragmatic Related Theories      3
    3  Research Methodology                                                 8
    4  Conversation Analysis in the Short Conversations of CET-4&CET-6    9
    4.1  Violation of Cooperative Principles in the Short Conversations of CET-4&CET-6    9
    4.2  Politeness Principle Applied in the Short Conversations of CET-4&CET-6     13
    5  The Significance of this Paper to Second Language Acquisition(SLA)    16
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