    Euphemism is a kind of language form and cultural phenomenon, which is a reflection of the social psychology of language. Its application area is extreme extensive. In a sense, without proper application of euphemism, communication would be impossible. However, because of the differences of life habit, custom and the taboo of different cultures, we must learn to use euphemism to avoid embarrassment or unhappiness. It’s very important for us to master euphemism, because it’s very important for us to learn and apply English. Firstly, this paper presents a general survey a general survey of the study of euphemism teaching. Then, it examines the definition, the formation, features of euphemism and its relationship with intercultural communication. From the relationship between culture and communication, the author points out that English euphemism deserves special attention in the course of English teaching. Besides, this paper illustrates Multiple Intelligence Theory that based on student-centered conception and describes the application of this theory to the teaching practice.
    Key words: euphemism; cross-cultural awareness; multicultural intercommunication; communicative competence
     The Application of Euphemism in Middle School English Teaching
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. Formation of Euphemism    1
    III. Features of Euphemism    2
    3.1 Indirection and Implicition    2
    3.2 Universality    3
    3.3 The Features of Times    3
    3.4 Regional Features    4
    3.5 Diversity of Lingual Region    5
    IV. Intercultural Communication    6
    V. English Euphemism Teaching    7
    5.1 Students’ Motivation for Culture and Euphemism Learning    8
    5.2 Application of Multiple Intelligence Theory to English Euphemism Teaching    8
    VI. Conclusion    10
    Bibliography    12
    Acknowledgements    13
    I. Introduction

    Language as a crucial communication symbols, is a part of culture that plays a very important role. Euphemism is a part of language. The word-euphemism is rooted in orthodxia, the prefix “EU-” means well and the root “pheme” means speaking (Zhu 9). A euphemism is a more polite, more pleasant word or expression you use instead of a direct one in order to avoid upsetting others. Euphemistic’s expressions are indirect and have positive connotations. Most of the English teachers in middle schools still continue to use traditional teaching methods. On the contrary, this paper will be based on the introduction of the euphemism, defining on the features and the functions pointing out that teachers should pay attention to using and teaching euphemism in the process of English teaching. Euphemism, cosmetic words, is not only a lingual phenomenon but also a cultural and social phenomenon. It is like a mirror, reflecting the values, aesthetic conceptions and moral concepts in some extent. Euphemism plays an important part in social communication. It is like lube that avoids hurting the other party’s feeling. It oils the human relationship in communication and helps to save face of communicators. If people make full use of euphemism, it can accelerate and facilitate human communication. Appropriate use of English euphemism can contribute a lot to successful message exchange.
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