
    “Euphemism” derives from the Greek word “Euphemia”. The prefix “eu-” means “good”, while the stem “pheme” means “speech” or “saying”. In Stoke’ book Language and Linguistic Dictionary, euphemism is defined as: “with a kind of unknown said, can make the person feels happy vague statement, instead has the meaning of unpleasant name given to a lack of respect.” As a kind of common phenomenon of language communication, English euphemism furthest avoids sensitive and controversial statements, using a kind of twists and turns of language form to express ideas and exchange information(Han 21). Its gentle character makes common language acceptable and wisely changes direct embarrassing expression to politeness.
    The formation of euphemism is very rich, as long as they can replace the straight language and avoid communication or speech that involves the object. Therefore, it replaces other language pronunciation directly from the speaking voice, so as to avoid the negative influence of communicators' psychological from the straight language. Semantically, the euphemized rational meaning things or straight language further and beautification; or through the fuzzy words, loanwords, metaphor, metonymy, circuitous statement means the euphemized rational meaning of things or straight language is weakening; or is abbreviated, straight language through word formation truncated reverse spell, means form variation; or through grammar; or through the combination of vocabulary, grammar, semantic comprehensive means to constitute.
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