
    in the heart-warming story telling, but it consists in reflecting humanity includes both
    good and evil, delivering the traditional values back to the reader’s hearts. Based on
    closing reading and detailed researches, the thesis analyze the themes of  The Kite
    Runner  from aspects of growing, humanity and self-identity, which will make us
    deeply understand this excellent novel”  (Jin Jun, 2012: 3).  In another thesis,  “An
    Analysis of the Role Behaviors of Amir and His Father in The Kite Runner, through a
    thorough analysis of the role behaviors of Amir and his father”,  the author  aims to
    explore the meaning of role behavior to inpiduals’ social relationships, the negative
    impacts of problems like role strain and role conflict on personal life and development,
    and the measures on role problems (Shi Yanhua, 2013: 6). In the article, “Betrayal and
    Redemption in The Kite Runner”, the author analyses “the social ethic and character
    conflicts during the wartime in Afghanistan, discussing the friendship and betrayal
    between two young boys. Besides, the symbolism of kite and the nature of human
    beings are investigated” (Li Yuxia, 2006: 37-39).
    Although the previous studies are fruitful and helpful,  theses of the novel are not as
    many as that of classic masterpieces probably because Khaled Hosseini is a newly-
    fledged writer. And there are some significant angles remained to be deeply explored.
    For example, researches and theses about Amir, the  protagonist,  for the most part,
    concentrate on the process of his betrayal and redemption, regarding the character as
    one of the factors of the whole research.  
    Therefore, this thesis tries to take Amir as the research subject  by interpreting the
    context of his identity construction. The first part will cover his gradual disorientation
    and loss of self-identity during the childhood. Then it will talk about the personal
    remodeling and self-identification on the road to self-redemption---“a way to be good
    again” (The Kite Runner, 2007: 207, later referred as KR). After a tough journey in his
    hometown, the identity construction of Amir fulfilled. In consideration of the author’s complex cultural background, the thesis will comment on something about how the
    society and culture effect Amir’s identity construction as well.
    2 The loss of self-identity during the childhood
    “Identity may be defined as the distinctive characteristic belonging to any given
    inpidual, or shared by all members of a particular social category or group. The
    formation of one’s identity occurs through one’s identifications with significant others,
    primarily with parents and other inpiduals during one’s biographical experiences”
    (Wang Na, 2013: 25-26). In other words, identity construction is a kind of process
    which is constantly evolving and continuing. In this novel, the themes are deepened
    by characters’  personalities, especially the protagonist. Therefore, by interpreting a
    detailed and complete process of Amir’s identity construction, the scattered messages
    and multiple themes can be methodic and more understandable.
    Although the author uses a lot of symbols in the work, the kite, as the key image,
    carries a vast sea of messages throughout the whole text of The Kite Runner. “The kite
    is applied as a company grows up with the protagonist, every time its appearance
    shows a new growth step of Amir” (Ding Shouyi, 2013: 32). The most important role
    it plays is the shape of initial personality and his loss of identity in the childhood.   
    Firstly, it reveals the strong possessiveness, selfishness  and self-abasement of Amir.
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