摘 要《呼啸山庄》以其震撼人心的悲剧爱情吸引着一代又一代的读者,主人公的爱情故事在震撼人的心灵的同时也给后人留下跟多的思考。爱情未必总是幸福的历程,相爱的人也未必总是彼此善待。我们都熟知很多恋人因为外来压力不能相聚的故事,有时是因为他们的家庭,有时是迫于他们所处社会的世俗习惯。这个故事中的人物,就像现实世界的人们一样,有弱点,正是这些弱点导致了他们的不幸。他们高傲、自私;他们经常陷于感情纠葛之中,又不能决定自己的命运。本文旨在揭露悲剧爱情形成的原因,他们的爱情主要受两大因素影响,外因和内因。外因主要表现为特殊的社会大背景,内因则为个人的性格。这两大主要因素导致了主人公的悲剧爱情。24660
Wuthering Heights has absorbed generations of readers with the protagonists’ love tragedy. Their love shocks people and it also leaves many thoughts. Love is not always a happy journey, and people in love may also not always treat each other well. We are all familiar with the story, which many lovers, because of external pressure, can not gather with each other. Some are because of their families; others are because of their customs. The people in this story are the same as the people in the real world, who have weaknesses, which lead to their misfortune. They are arrogant and selfish. They often sink into the emotional entanglements, and can not determine their own destiny. The protagonists’ love is limited by external cause—special social background and internal cause—inpidual personalities, which are two main factors contributing to tragic love. This paper aims to reveal the causes of the protagonists’ love tragedy.
Key words: Wuthering Heights; love tragedy; causes; personalities
On the Reasons of the Love Tragedy in Wuthering Heights
摘 要 i
Abstract ii
I. Introduction 1
1.1 Introduction of Emily Bronte 1
1.2 Introduction of Wuthering Heights 1
1.3 Related Researches 2
II. External Causes —the Special Social Environment 3
2.1 The Patriarchy 3
2.2 The Religious Doctrines 4
2.3 The Secular Ideas and Moral Codes 4
III. Internal Causes— the Protagonists’ Personalities 5
3.1 Catherine’s Personalities 6
3.1.1 Admiring Vanity and Money 6
3.1.2 Catherine’s Weakness 6
3.1.3 Blind Fantasies 7
3.2 Heathcliff’s Personalities 8
3.2.1 Heathcliff’s Distorted Personality 8
3.2.2 Heathcliff’s Lack of Rebellion 9
3.2.3 Blind Vengeance 10
IV. Conclusion 11
Bibliography 13
Acknowledgements 14
I. Introduction
1.1 Introduction of Emily Bronte
Jane Bronte is an English novelist. She is best remembered for her solitary novel, Wuthering Heights published in London in 1847, moreover, the novel is now considered as a classic of English literature. Meanwhile, she is a poet with 193 poems. Emily Bronte is regarded as a genius English female writer of the 19th century. She wrote under the pen name Ellis Bell. She was born in a poor curate family; at the age of six, Emily joined her sisters at school for a brief period; in 1842, Emily accompanied Charlotte to the Heger Pensionnat in Brussels, Belgium, where they attended the girls' academy run by Constantin Héger. They planned to perfect their French and German in anticipation of opening their school, but they didn’t realize their dream at last. Emily has a solitary nature. In the preface to the second edition of Wuthering Heights, in 1850, Charlotte narrated Emily Bronte’s this personality.
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