    摘要中美方文化存在很多不同点,这种差异也强烈地体现在服饰领域。中国文化是儒、道为基础以天人合一为理念的和谐文化,强调均衡对称统一,以规则、平衡为美。服饰造型不强调人体,利用宽衣博带遮掩人体,表现的是一种庄重含蓄之美。西方文化起源于岛屿文明,岛与岛之间是浩瀚的海洋。人置身其中,有边界感,因而其文化表现为矛盾,冲突,讲究个性的张扬成为文化的原体。在服饰表现形式上,外形强调横向感觉,强调的是空间、体量。西方文化是以多元融合为基础的善于天逻辑和理性的文化,是一种明喻文化,偏重抒情,追求服装构成要素的精神寓义和文化品位,在服装造型上以突出个性为美。 24661
    毕业论文关键词: 中美文化;服饰;差异;审美;价值观
    Abstract  There are many differences between Chinese and American cultures, and the cultural differences are also strongly reflected in the field of costume. Chinese culture is based on the Confucianism and Taoism and it belongs to a kind of harmonious culture which is oriented by the theory of “Syncretism between Man and Nature”, it emphasizes on balanced symmetric unity and takes the rule and balance as beauty. Chinese costume style does not pay attention to the human body, it makes use of the loosen clothes to cover human body and represents a kind of implicit and sedate beauty. Western culture originates from island(marine) civilization, among the island, there is the vast ocean. People have sense of border in the vast ocean. Therefore, western culture reflects as contradiction and conflicts, its emphasis on inpiduality publicizing becomes its cultural origin. In aspect of costume performances, its shape emphasizes on horizontal feeling and space and body. English culture is based on cultural persity integration, and it is a kind of culture which is good at logics and rationality, it is a kind of simile culture as well. English culture pays attention to express the people’s emotions and pursuit for the spiritual connotation and cultural taste of costume component elements and it outstands the inpidual beauty in costume style.
    Key words: American and Chinese culture; costume; difference; aesthetics; value concept
    摘 要    i
    Abstract     ii
    I. Introduction     1
    1.1. Background of the Research    1
    1.2. Research at Home and Abroad    1
    1.3. Significance of the Research    2
    II. Different Characteristics of Chinese and American Costumes    3
    2.1. Characteristics of Chinese Costume    3
      2.1.1. The Origin and Development of Chinese Costume    3
      2.1.2. The Style of Chinese Costume    4
      2.1.3. The Pattern of Chinese Costume    4
      2.1.4. The Color of Chinese Costume    5
    2.2. Characteristics of American Costume    5
      2.2.1. The Origin and Development of American Costume    6
      2.2.2. The Style of American Costume    7
      2.2.3. The Pattern of Americn Costume    8
      2.2.4. The Color of American Costume    8
    III. Cultural Difference in Chinese and American Costumes    9
     3.1. Cultural Difference in the Origin and Development of Chinese and American Costumes    9
     3.2. Cultural Difference in Style of Chinese and American Costumes    10
     3.3. Cultural difference in the pattern of Chinese and American Costumes    11
     3.4. Cultural difference in color of Chinese and American Costumes    12
    IV. Conclusion    13
    Bibliography    14
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