摘 要美国现代著名小说家海明威曾经说过:“人生本来就是为了不被打败的。人能被毁灭,但是人类精神不能被打败。”正是这种意志力赋予了他笔下的桑提亚哥形象―勇敢、自信、自尊、永不屈服的性格。笔者从此角度出发,探索了“英雄主义本色”这一主题以及它给人们带来的启示。《老人与海》这部作品是海明威的重要代表作之一,它向我们传达了英雄主义本色—桑提亚哥形象。在这部作品中,小说主人公—桑提亚哥也成为世界文学史上经典的和代表性的英雄主义形象。正所谓“一千个人眼里有一千个哈姆雷特”,同样道理,也可以说“一千个人眼里有一千个桑提亚哥”。因此,本文试图通过分析《老人与海》的英雄主义来重新解读桑提亚哥。24920
摘 要 i
Abstract ii
I. Introduction 1
Ⅱ. An Outline of The Old Man and the Sea 2
2.1 The Concept of Heroism 2
2.2 The Background of This Novel 3
2.3 The Background of Society and Culture 4
Ⅲ. An Overview of Heroism 6
3.1 The Embodiment of Heroism in This Work 6
3.2 The Tragedy Heroism and the Undefeated Confidence 7
3.3 The Heroic Battle with the Dog Salmon 8
3.4 Realization of Heroism in His Life 9
Ⅳ.The Analysis of Santiago’s Spirit in the Work 9
4.1 Everlasting Hope for the Future 9
4.2 Willpower 10
4.3 Moral Victory and Strong Persistence 11
4.4 The Endurance of the Long Fighting 12
V. Conclusion 14
Bibliography 17
Acknowledgements 18
Hemingway, a famous of novelist of America, once said “Man is not made for defeat, a man can be destroyed but not defeated’’ Santiago is endowed with this optimistic attitude towards life courage, confidence, dignity and never giving up. This thesis also deals with the problem of “Heroism style” and its revelation to people. The Old Man and the Sea is one of the most important works of Hemingway’s. It conveys the style of heroism–Santiago to us. In this work, and thus the main character Santiago becomes a typical and classical hero in the world literature. As the saying goes, “there are a thousand Hamlets in a thousand people’s eyes”. Similarly, we may say “there are a thousand Santiagos in a thousand people’s eyes”. Therefore, this thesis intends to re-read Santiago by analyzing heroism in the The Old Man and the Sea.
Key words: The Old Man and the Sea; heroism; willpower; human’s spirit
On Heroism in Hemingway’s The Old Man and the Sea
I. Introduction
Ernest Hemingway is one of the most famous American modern novelists in the 20th century. He is the winner of Pulitzer Prize in 1953 and the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1954 for The Old Man and the Sea. From 1939 to 1960, he settled in Cuba and named himself as “an ordinary Cuban”. During this time, he finished his famous masterpiece The Old Man and the Sea. In Hemingway’s mind, The Old Man and the Sea was the most popular novel of his life. In the novel, he creates an immortal artistic figure, Santiago. The chief point about Santiago is that he behaves perfectly and honorably, with great courage and endurance. While losing to the sharks, the giant fish, he has caught, he comes with the message that he can still dare to stick to the principles. Thus, I also want to point out that the novel not only describes the fight between human and nature and fate, but also indicates Hemingway’s heroism getting to his summit. In a sense, this is a story about an old Cuban fisherman Santiago and his battle with a great marlin. In this novel, Hemingway creates a hero as before, who carries out the author’s lifelong belief in ‘Grace under pressure’. As a masterpiece, implications are profound and far-reaching. Many critics have tried to decode it from different angles, and different conclusions have been reached.
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