     摘 要《红字》是19世纪美国作家德纳撒尼尔•霍桑的一部经典小说,作品反映了18世纪清教主义传统对当时人们思想和生活的影响。由于当时特殊的历史文化原因,清教主义在人们的生活中占据主导地位。作者来自清教世家,也深受其影响。因此清教主义的积极影响和消极影响贯穿了小说的始终。本文通过分析小说中四个主要人物的言行和经历,来解读贯穿小说始终的清教主义对主人公造成的积极和消极影响,从而帮助读者更好地理解这部作品。24921
    Abstract The Scarlet Letter, Nathaniel Hawthorne’s magnum opus, is a classical novel in the literary history of the United States in the 19th century reflecting the influences of Puritanism traditions on people’s thoughts and life. In consequence of special history and culture in that time, Puritanism dominated people’s life, effecting their thoughts and behaviors all the time. The author, who was born in a traditional Puritan family, is no exception. Therefore, the negative and positive effects fill the novel from it’s beginning to the end. This paper interprets both the negative and positive effects of Puritanism running through the novel with the examples of some protagnists’ words and behaviors to help readers to understand the novel better.
    Key words: The Scarlet Letter; puritanism; positive effects; negative effects
    The Reflection of Puritanism in The Scarlet Letter
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. The Importance of Puritanism Culture    2
    III. The Reflections of Puritanism on People’s Thoughts and Lifestyle and Puritanism’s Effects on Protagonists    3
    3.1 High Moral Standards    4
    3.2 Egalitarian Attitude    4
    3.3 Simple Dress    5
    3.4 Puritanism’s Negative and Positive Effects on Protagonists    6
    IV.    Nathaniel Hawthorne’s Contradiction    10
    V. Conclusion    13
    Bibliography    16
    Acknowledgements    17
    I.    Introduction
    Nathaniel Hawthorne is an important romantic novelist, and founder of “psychological romantic history novel” which emphasizes on psychological analysis. He has made outstanding achievement and had the greatest influence in the 19th century. Hawthorne has been reputed as the inheritor and critic of New England Puritan tradition. Hawthorne published The Scarlet Letter in 1850, creating a great sensation and critical acclaim. This masterpiece is regarded as the most classic and impressive novel by lots of critics. The Scarlet Letter tells a story that, Hester, a young and beautiful woman, who broke the rule of reasonable marriage, committed adultery which is strictly prohibited by Puritanism so that she was sentenced to be jailed, publicly exposed and wearing the scarlet letter “A’’ for all her life. Hester and her lover, minister Dimmesdale, gradually earn noble moral quality in the process of tortures and atonement. On the contrary, doctor Chillingworth, Hester’s husband, becomes an unforgivable devil. The little Pearl, the daughter of Hester and Dimmesdale, is an exception and kept away from Puritanism’ effects. She has a happy ending and lives a new life.
    In this classic novel, Puritanism is embodied in every plot and detail. Hester’s severe sentence and punishment is the results of her disobey of Puritanism’s rule. As Puritan minister, Dimmesdale has religious rule and his sin conflicting desperately in his mind, leading to his death in the end. In the story, with Puritanism dominating every aspect, the town people show contempt and avoid the hero and heroine. The main settlers of the New England are Pilgrim Fathers. Puritanism is an essential part of their thoughts and life. What’s more, the author comes from a traditional Puritan family and has been illustrious for a time. Puritanism also exerts great influence on Nathaniel Hawthorne. In consequence, the effects of Puritanism in The Scarlet Letter is manifested through the entire novel.
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