
    It’s highly important for readers to know what Puritanism is and how it affects people’s thought. In this way, people can have a better understanding of American thoughts and behaviors reflected in The Scarlet Letter. Without the exploration of Puritanism’s effects, readers can’t comprehend protagonists’ behaviors in the 17th century. Furthermore, this thesis helps readers to have a thorough reflection of the relation between Puritanism and American thoughts and behavior.

    II.    The Importance of Puritanism Culture
    In the 16th century, some pilgrims think the reformation doesn’t reform Christian thoroughly. Because of their strong desire to purify the Church of England, to simplify its ritual and reform its structure by stopping appointing bishops, their belief brings them much trouble in England. So they decide to immigrate into the territory of the Virginia Company in America. They land in what is now Massachusetts of the United States and become known as the Pilgrim Fathers in America history. These Pilgrim Fathers lay the foundation of New England, the foundation of the United States of America. The church and the government are not separated. Only church members are allowed to vote and hold elective office. In 1628, another batch of Puritan constitutes a commercial corporation to migrate to new land. They arrive at northeast of Boston. Thirty years later, about 1,000 pommies move to Boston area. Most of them are pilgrims. By the end of 1643, there are 20,000 people in the colony Massachusetts. At that time, Boston becomes the biggest and most prosperous town of Puritan in America. Puritans take up great majority in this new colony. Owing to their wide distribution, pious believe and everyday activities, they give this area rich religious color. In addition, religious doctrine becomes civil law. Leaders have absolute power. Most New England residents are pilgrims. The very people who settle down in Boston as well as surrounding region give profound influence to American culture. Puritanism culture plays an important role in American culture.
    To sum up, Puritanism’s important role can be given expression to the following aspects: firstly, those puritans who arrived in the new land believed firmly they were “select man” who were arranged by God to be brought the virgin area to experience holy transformation from soul to sin. Compared with common people, these puritans with firm faith had strong sense of mission. They longed for making this colony into “a city upon hill”, an ideal society. Despite harsh natural circumstances, with sense of mission, they could build up “the garden of Eden” according to their own will, which couldn’t be realized in European. The kind of optimism also couldn’t be understood by people in European.
    Secondly, some positive elements for promoting social progress in Puritanism thoughts developed into gradually national spirit, such as inpidualism, sense of equality, and hard work.
    Thirdly, puritans called for everyone had ability to read the Bible in order to connect personnel with God, thus people would understand God’ will better.
    Fourthly, in New England of northern America, puritans realized their religious ideal and set up a theocratic politics. However, they conducted strict moral standard, advocated asceticism, condemned earthly pleasures. Those religious views of narrow side and no tolerance also began to show.

    III.    The Reflections of Puritanism on People’s Thoughts and Lifestyle and Puritanism’s Effects on Protagonists

    The principle and practice of Puritans are popularly known as Puritanism. Puritans accept the doctrines of Calvinism: the sovereignty of God, the supreme authority of the Bible, and the irresistibility of God’s will of man in every act of his life from cradle to grave. These doctrines lead the Puritans to examine their soul to find where they are of the elect and to search the Bible to determine God’s will. Thus piety, austerity of taste, diligence, thrift and introspection are common Puritan traits. Puritans, noted for their simple dress, high moral standards and egalitarian attitudes, are respected as nationalists because they have been outspoken about threats to England from Roman Catholicism and their influence increase.
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