摘 要美国现代女作家玛格丽特•米歇尔唯一的一部长篇小说《飘》出版于1936 年,被翻译成世界上三十多种语言,于1937 年获得普利策奖。米歇尔以她切身的女性经历和对女性角色的精确把握成功地创作了《飘》这部女性主义文学作品。在她的作品中,也许并不存在当今女性文学中那些占主导地位的前卫的理论与元素,但在女性文学与女性主义文学批评日渐发展的今天,《飘》中所蕴含的鲜明的女性主义值得我们去研究和探索。本文试图从女性主义的角度解读《飘》,首先简单的描述米歇尔的生平简介和作品,然后分析《飘》中女主角斯嘉丽,通过女性主义解读她对待生活,爱情,婚姻的态度来分析《飘》中女性主义思想。24923
Abstract Gone with the Wind, the only novel by American modern woman writer Margaret Mitchell was published in 1936 and it has been translated into at least thirty languages all over the world. Gone with the Wind was awarded the Pulitzer Prize in 1937. With her special experience and the accurate understanding of woman, Mitchell successfully creates this feminist literary work—Gone with the Wind. In her work, there are may be no such updated theories and elements that prevail in the contemporary female literature, but today when women literary and feminist literary criticism are growing steadily, the distinct feminist contained in Gone with the wind are worth our studying. The author of this thesis tries to analyze Gone with the Wind from feminism perspective. It first briefly introduces Margaret Mitchell’s life experience and the popularity of the novel, then analyze the heroine, Scarlett O’Hara, and her attitude about life, love, and marriage from the perspective of feminism in order to explore the feminism in Gone with the wind.
Key words: feminist literary criticism; Gone with the Wind; Scarlett O’Hara
An Exploration of the Feminism in Gone with the Wind
摘 要 iii
Abstract iii
I. Introduction 1
II. The Current Research Situation of Gone with the wind 2
2.1 Some Important Literature Related to the Research of Gone with the wind 2
2.2 The Significances of This Paper 3
III.The Theoretical Foundation of Gone with the wind 4
3.1 An Introduction to Feminism 4
3.2The Development of Feminism and the Feminist Literary Criticism 5
IV.The Analysis of Gone with the wind from the Perspective of Feminism 5
4.1Social and Cultural Background of the Novel 5
4.2 Analysis of the Heroine from the Perspective of Feminism 6
4.2.1 Scarlett’s Nature, Growth, and Maturity 6
4.2.2 Analysis of Scarlett’s Character 7
4.3 Analysis of the Character Melanie and Ellen O’Hara from Feminism Perspective 10
4.3.1A Comparison between Melanie and Scarlett 10
4.3.2Analysis of the Character Ellen O'Hara from the Feminism Perspective 11
V. Conclusion 12
Bibliography 14
Acknowledgements 15
I. Introduction
Gone with the Wind, an American novel by Margaret Mitchell was published in1936 and won the Pulitzer Prize in 1937.
The heroine of Gone with the Wind is Scarlett O’Hara. In the novel, Scarlett falls in love with Ashley; While Ashley marries his cousin Melanie. Due to jealousy, Scarlett immediately marries Melanie’s younger brother Charles. Then the Civil War breaks out. Ashley and Charles both join in the Confederate army. Soon, Charles dies before going to the battle field. Scarlett becomes a widow. But she still loves Ashley. Just before the war, in a charity ball, Scarlett is acquainted with Rhett Butler, who was a capital, who was a man either realistic or vulgar, from that moment, this gentle man is in love with Scarlett. The Confederacy is defeated in the war. Scarlett and Melanie volunteer to take care of the wounded. After the stubborn Scarlett witness the cruelty and devastation of the war, the Union army is approaching. Many people escape from their lands. Unfortunately, Melanie will deliver a child in the following days. Scarlett has to stay to look after her. As the Union troops are marching on, Scarlett is determined to take Melanie and her newborn baby back to her hometown Tara. In order to help the Confederacy, Rhett determines to join the army, only giving Scarlett a gun, and he goes away. Arriving lonely at Tara, Scarlett finds the plantation empty, and her mother has died in shock. In despair, Scarlett turns to Rhett Butler for money, but he is in jail and cannot offer any help. Because there is no way in hell that she is going to let that “white trash” have Tara, in order to secure the tax money, she starts on her road to do whatever it takes by stealing and marrying her sister’s beau---Frank Kennedy. The family’s property is maintained, and Rhett gets freedom soon by using money. Frank is shot by the Union soldier in a secret anti-government meeting. Scarlett becomes a widow again. Finally Rhett decides that he has waited long enough for her and he proposes to Scarlett. They get married after Scarlett spends a year of mourning for Frank. Rhett showers her with whatever she wants. This does not make her happy because she thinks that she is still in love with Ashley. Without being able to express her love openly, she cannot be truly happy. The final scene is Scarlett’s preparing to go to Tara.
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