
    Chapter One  Introduction
    1.1 Problems of buying products in physical stores
        With the rapid development of economy and society, more and more people have desire and ability to purchase products. However, most people are limited to physical stores only near their home to purchase products that they long for, which denotes that they are confined by geography areas. Meanwhile, most physical stores are not 24-hour opening. If people are urgent to buy something, they cannot get them through physical stores. Nowadays, people need to realize and face above problems in daily consumption.
        Shopping in physical stores is common activities. However, buying in physical stores is not convenient for people living in modern society who pursue high efficiency and high quality. Purchase in physical stores acquires consumers to get in physical shops to get information about products and select their favorable products in opening time of physical stores. In addition, if consumers can not seek their satisfactory products, then they are often forced to go to another physical store, which indicates that it is not convenient for consumers to have purchase in physical stores.
    1.2 Significance of solving problems of buying products in physical stores
        When research is performed to get the information about e-commerce, the results indicate that more and more people are apt to buy products online than in physical stores. So, it is said that e-commerce becomes more and more popular. “With rapid development of network technique in China and continuous rise in the number of netizens, e-commerce based on internet and technology has become a force of modern commerce” (Li & Zeng, 2010, 222)
        Shopping online is beneficial for consumers. Consumers can get information through website and decide purchase behavior without considering time limitation. E-commerce breaks through production and circulation mode of traditional commerce and trade, surpasses space-time concept, omits the disadvantage of hierarchical operation channel, greatly reduces the distance between allocation and consumption, makes logistics, capital flow and information flow transmit faster, makes circulation channels wider, opens up a fair, wide and competitive virtual network market and provides the platform for manufacturers, sellers and consumers to satisfy their own needs.
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