    Abstract Textual Enhancement (TE) is to modify the physical appearance of written texts using typographical cues such as bold, italic, underlining and capital to enhance the perceptual saliency of target linguistic features in order to draw more learners’ attention. Since the proposal of textual enhancement hypothesis, considerable empirical studies of TE emerge in 15 years. Yet there is no congruence in the findings of the efficacy of TE for ESL learning. 26824
    This research verified if different TE format (the choices of typographical cues used in a text) affected the efficacy of TE on L2 learners’ behavior, specifically at the level of noticing and acquisition of the target word modal auxiliary “must”. Hence, three most common TE formats applied in L2 teaching, Bold, Italic and Underlined were chosen to be examined on Grade Seven native Chinese-speaking students. The TE treatment was operated as a reading activity. To compare the differential TE effects between four groups (Bold, Italic, Underlined and a No-Enhanced control group), two posttests free-recall written task and fill-in-the-blanks were implemented subsequently. The results were analyzed using SPSS 19.0.
    The findings of this research were that (a) different TE formats do exert differential effects on learners’ behavior at the level of noticing and acquisition, as they help learners pay more attention to the input target forms and then further process them, and (b) the most effective formats are bold and underlined. Hence these two typographical cues are optimal formats that should be applied into the ESL classroom.
    Key Words: Textual Enhancement     Noticing and Acquisition     Second Language Acquisition      Effects
    此次研究检验了不同的文本强化方式(文本中不同字体格式的选择)对二语学习者的行为是否造成了不同影响,检测具体针对二语学习者对目标语言形式情态动词“must”的注意和习得。因此,此次研究选择了本族语为汉语的初一学生,使用三种二语教学中最常用的文本强化方式,粗字体,斜体字,加下划线展开此次实验。此次文本强化实验手段为一项阅读活动。为了比较对照四组(单一粗字体组,单一斜体字组,单一加下划线组和一个无强化手段控制变量组)之间文本强化的不同效度,此次实验依次设置了两项后测:文字复述和填空。得到的数据结果使用SPSS 19.0进行了分析。
    毕业论文关键词:文本强化     注意与习得     二语习得     效果
    Abstract    i
    摘要    iii
    Contents    iv
    1. Introduction    1
    2. Literature Review    3
    2.1.  Related Researches on TE Aboard    3
    2.2.  Related Researches on TE at Home    5
    2.3.  Limitations of the Present Researches    6
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