    Abstract This paper takes Time’s advertising as the research subject. As a successful magazine with a long history of nearly 100 years, its advertising is worthy research. So what are the characteristics of Time’s advertising? In order to answer this question, advertisements in 45 issues in 2014 are analyzed to gain an insight into the feature of Time’s advertising. The findings indicate that Time’s advertising has the foresight to grasp the trend of the time. Most of Time’s advertisements are about the emerging industries with their bright prospects, and these industries will issue more and more advertisements which means more and more revenue to Time in the future. What’s more, Time pays much attention to cater for the reader. There is a more or less fixed proportion of advertisements about financial products, electronic products and health care products among the total advertisements in each issue, which may ensure the reception of those advertisements by readers with different interests. And finally Time does not neglect its own promotion. The advertisements of Time itself are presented in each issue to keep readers informed with the new development of Time. 32085
    Key Words: advertising     advertisement     Time
    毕业论文关键词: 广告经营     广告     《时代周刊》
    Abstract    i
    摘要    ii
    Contents    iii
    Chapter One Introduction    1
    1.1 Background of the survey    1
    1.2    Significance of the survey    2
    1.3    Organization of the thesis    2
    Chapter Two Literature Review    4
    2.1 Research abroad    4
    2.1.1 Study of periodical advertisements    4
    2.1.2 Study of periodical advertising    4
    2.2 Domestic research    6
    2.2.1 Study of periodical advertising    6
    2.2.2 Study of Time    7
    Chapter Three Methodology    9
    3.1 Research question    9
    3.2 Research subject    9
    3.3 Research method    10
    3.3.1 Literature research    10
    3.3.2 The definition of advertisements in advertisement statistics    10
    3.4 Research procedure    11
    Chapter Four Data Analysis    13
    4.1 The number of advertisement    13
    4.2 Advertisement classification according to industry category    13
    4.3 Advertising page    15
    Chapter Five Conclusion    19
    5.1 Main findings    19
    5.2 Suggestions    20
    5.3 Limitations    20
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