    Abstract Tess of the D’Urbervilles, a work taken from the Wessex novels, is one of the representative works written by Thomas Hardy and is generally considered as Hardy’s finest novel which has a great conflict with Victorian morality.. The novel describes the tragic destiny of Tess, a “fall” woman, who was a peasant girl brought up in a poor family. In the novel, Tess was pure, kind, conservative, beautiful and brave. Though she suffered from her fall, she still tried to find the strength to rise above her situation. Tess attempted to have a new start with Angel Clare, however, she still can not completely forget her past experience with Alec D’Urbervilles. Tess’s past experience made Angel desert her at the wedding night, and from then on Tess was gradually ruined by the society. 32087
    Everything happens for a reason, and Tess’s tragic fate is not an exception. The tragedy of Tess resulted from various factors. This paper tries to analyze the factors from four aspects, which are(1)the social and class factors, (2)causes in ethics, morality, religion and the law, (3)the influences of two heroes on Tess’s tragedy, and (4)Tess’s dual characters. Analyzing the causes of Tess’s tragedy is helpful in knowing about the tragic sense of Hardy, understanding the charms of the work Tess of the D’Urbervilles and its position in British literature.
    Key words: Tess     tragic destiny     factors    
     摘  要《德伯家的苔丝》是托马斯哈代最为出名的一部代表作,这部小说是威克塞斯系列小说中的一本,被公认为哈代最优秀的作品,从问世之初就与当时文多利亚时期的道德观念产生了巨大冲突。小说叙述了出生于农村贫困家庭女孩苔丝的悲剧人生。小说中,苔丝纯洁、善良、美丽、勇敢却也保守。尽管她试着与安吉尔开始新的生活,但与亚雷的过去始终如梦魇般缠着她。这段失贞经历使得苔丝在新婚之夜被丈夫抛弃,而后慢慢被社会毁灭。世间一切事物的发生皆有缘由,苔丝的悲剧也不例外。本文将从四个方面解析引起苔丝悲剧命运的原因:其一,社会和阶级背景;其二,道德伦理和宗教法律因素;其三,两位男主人公的性格对苔丝产生的影响;其四,苔丝自身的性格。分析苔丝的悲剧成因有助于了解哈代作品中的悲剧色彩及其作者本人所带有的悲观意识,理解《德伯家的苔丝》一书的真正魅力,领会它在英国小说中的文学地位。
    毕业论文关键词:苔丝     悲剧命运     原因   
    Abstract    i
    摘  要    ii
    Contents    iii
    Chapter One Introduction    1
    1.1 Background of Thomas Hardy    1
    1.1.1 Thomas Hardy and his life experience    1
    1.1.2 Hardy’s fatalism and his works    1
    1.2 Hardy’s Tess of the D’Urbervilles    2
    Chapter Two The social and class factors of Tess’s tragic destiny    4
    2.1 The social environment of Tess’s tragic fate    4
    2.2 The class factor of Tess’s tragedy    4
    Chapter Three Causes in ethics, morality, religion and law in Tess’s tragedy    6
    3.1 The morality and ethics as well as their influences on Tess    6
    3.2 The religion and law and their effects on Tess    7
    Chapter Four Influences of two heroes on Tess’s tragedy    9
    4.1 Effects of Alec D’Urbervilles on Tess in physical    9
    4.2 Effects of Angel Clare on Tess in mental    10
    Chapter Five Tess’s personal characters in her tragedy    12
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