    Abstract Owing to the pergence of religions and values in history, persity of cultures between the east and the west exists at all levels of cultural life. Taking the discrepancies of the present consumption conceptions for example, it is obvious that Chinese and Americans have different views on attitudes, objects and aims of consumption, whereas these discrepancies incarnate the heterogeneity of the eastern and western culture. Accordingly this paper tends to compare different consumption conceptions between Chinese and the Americans and discover causes for this phenomenon from the cultural perspective, which will lead to the analysis of the Chinese and American cultural differences. Through the above analyses, the paper aims at promoting people to take Chinese consumption behaviors with a rational attitude, comprehend American consumption conceptions with a deep understanding of the cultural pergence reflected by different consumption conceptions and respect the cultural differences between the East and the West.
    Keywords: consumption conceptions; Chinese and American culture; cultural differences
    摘  要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I.    Introduction    1
    II.    A Brief Retrospection of Consumption Conceptions    2
    2.1 Definition and Changing Process in History    2
    2.2 Typical Types of Consumption Conceptions    3
    III.    Different Consumption Views Between Chinese and Americans    4
    3.1    Chinese vs. Americans in Attitudes to Consumption    4
    3.2    Chinese vs. Americans in Objects of Consumption    6
    3.3    Chinese vs. Americans in Aims of Consumption    7
    IV.    Explanation of the Discrepancies in Terms of Culture    8
    4.1    Cultural Explanations From Anthroposophy Respect    8
    4.2    Cultural Explanations From Values Respect    10
    4.3    Cultural Explanations From Interpersonal Relationships    12
    V.    Conclusion    14
    Bibliography    16
    Acknowledgements    17
    Cultural Differences in Consumption Conceptions: a Comparative Study between China and the United States
    I.    Introduction

    Culture, defined as “a complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society” (Tyler1), has been regarded as one criterion of the heterogeneity of this world. Meanwhile cultural differences between the east and the west can be embodied in many respects. One of them is consumption, which is subordinate to culture and influenced by culture. The paper lays emphasis on a comparative research of the discrepancies between Chinese and American culture reflected in the consumption conceptions. It attempts to study the differences of conceptions such as people’s attitudes, objects and aims of consumption in China and America. Accordingly, the cultural differences such as humanity, values and interpersonal relationships are discussed in the following chapter.
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