    摘 要英语广告是一种特殊的交际形式。从语用学角度讲,(言语性)广告宣传是一种语用行为。具体地说,是一种说服性言语行为。近年来,对英语广告的研究也引起了不同文化领域的学者们的兴趣和关注。本文试图从语用学角度对英语广告进行研究。阐述将语用学的预设理论运用到英语广告中,使得英语广告只通过寥寥数语就能达到说服消费者实施购买的目的。可见这一理论有助于加强英语广告的说服力,以获得更大的成功。因此,本文的研究在实践上可以帮助英语广告撰写人更好地理解语用预设现象,并能更好地运用语用预设这一策略,使英语广告设计得更加有魅力,并最终实现其应有的目的。36529
    毕业论文关键词:语用;预设; 英语广告
    Abstract English advertisement is a special form of communication. From pragmatic point of view, advertising propaganda is a kind of pragmatic action, to speak concretely, is a kind of persuasive speech act. In recent years, the scholars from different cultural fields have paied more attentions to the English advertisements from different perspectives. This paper will illustrate how to apply the pragmatic presupposition theory to analyzing English advertisements, which try to achieve the goal of persuading the consumers into buying something with such a few words. It is obvious that this theory frequently employed will enhance the effects of persuasion in English advertisements. Therefore, practically, this study may help copywriters obtain a better understanding of how pragmatic presupposition works and consciously employ such a theory to design more successful advertisements and achieve their goals.
    Key words: pragmatics; presupposition; English advertising
    A Study on Pragmatic Presupposition in English Advertising Language
    摘 要.i
    I. Introduction1
    II. An Overview Study of Presupposition2
    2.1 Study of Presupposition Abroad and in China.2
    2.2 Theories on Presupposition3
    III. Theories on Advertising.4
     3.1 Definition of Advertising.4
     3.2 Features of English Advertising Language5
    3.3 Functions of Advertising.6
    IV. The Analysis of Pragmatic Presupposition in English Advertising Language.7
    4.1 Features of Pragmatic Presupposition in English Advertising Language7
    4.2 Classifications of Pragmatic Presupposition in English Advertising Language .9
    4.3 Functions of Pragmatic Presupposition in English Advertising Language11
    V. Conclusion15
    I. Introduction

    Nowadays, advertising is ubiquitous in our lives. It has become an inescapable part of our daily life, and plays an important part in modern society because of their great influence on consumers’ social psychology and purchasing behavior.
    With the establishment and development of market economy in China and the world economy globalization, English advertising has poured into our country. At the same time, Chinese companies also need English advertising, marketing their products in overseas market. By this means, the English advertising language seems very important so that the copywriters always use all kinds of linguistic theories and strategies, such as Cooperative Principle, presupposition, figures of speech, and so on. In these strategies, presupposition is used widely in English advertising language. Presupposition is among the key theories of pragmatics. According to George Yule, pragmatic presupposition is “something the speaker assumes to be the case prior to making an utterance, or a message precondition for the processing of any communication”(284). From pragmatic point of view, advertising propaganda is a kind of pragmatic action, to speak concretely, is a kind of persuasive speech act. Clever advertisers usually do not promote their own commodities and undermine their competitors in an explicit, direct and open way, but partly conceal the information to be delivered by using pragmatic presupposition skillfully and strategically in advertising language. So the pragmatic presupposition is the source of advertising to apply their functions to persuade and influence.
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