摘 要委婉语是用一种不明说的、能使人感到愉快的或含糊的说法代替具有令人不悦的含义或不够尊敬的表达方法,是交际中一种与直接语相对应而存在的普遍语言现象。委婉语在商务英语中使用广泛,委婉语的恰当使用可以帮助贸易双方减少合作进程中的障碍和冲突,使商务交流更加礼貌和顺畅。本文主要采用例证法,从词汇和语法方面重点分析了委婉语在商务英语中的应用,旨在找到更有效的方法使委婉语在商业英语中的应用得到最优化,从而促进商务交流和商务活动的顺利进行。36528
毕业论文关键词: 委婉语;商务英语;应用;重要性
Abstract Euphemism is the substitution of mild, indirect, or vague expression for one thought to be offensive, harsh or blunt. It is a universal language phenomenon which corresponds to direct language in communication. Euphemism is widely used in Business English. Appropriate euphemism can help to reduce obstacles in the process of cooperation, which makes business communication more polite and smooth. Through exemplification, this paper analyzes the usage of euphemism in business English from vocabulary and grammar aspects, aiming at finding more effective ways to make the applications of euphemism in business English be optimized, thus to promote business communication and business activities smoothly.
Key words: euphemism; business English; application; significance
On the Application of Euphemism in Business English
摘 要 i
Abstract ii
I. Introduction 1
II. An Overview of Euphemism and Business English 3
2.1 Definition and Classification of Euphemism 3
2.2 Definition and Features of Business English 3
2.3 Linguistic Features of Euphemism Expression in Business English 4
III. Application of Euphemism in Business English 5
3.1 Euphemism at the Lexical Level 7
3.2 Euphemism at the Grammatical Level 9
IV. Significance and Tips to Use Euphemism in Business English 13
4.1 Significance to Use Euphemism in Business English 13
4.2 Some Tips to Use Euphemism in Business English 14
V. Conclusion 15
Bibliography 16
Acknowledgements 17
I. Introduction
Business English is usually featured by using precise terms, logistic and legible structures in order to draft various indentures to ensure each party’s obligations. At the same time, both parties still have to maintain good cooperative relations and achieve long-term economic benefits. In order to realize this, both parties need to negotiate, including oral negotiations and a written form of negotiations—business letters. So the validity of business English lies in achieving economic goals through linguistic means. By using euphemisms in business negotiation, the other party is more likely to consider your question or accept your proposal. As for euphemism at the lexical level, in business English, adverbs, prepositions and prepositional phrases are also used quite often. Using these kinds of words can weaken the extent of negative feelings and leave enough space for others to have a second thought. As for euphemism at the grammatical level, the use of modal verbs in past tense and subjunctive mood and so on can carry out euphemism grammatically
With the foundation of market economy in increasingly growing countries, international business has been increasingly expanding, consequently, the world economy develops at an ever growing speed. Business English takes a significant position in the development of global economy, and it involves many factors, such as language, communication skills, business knowledge and cultural background and so on. Undoubtedly, euphemism, which is widely employed in business English and is involved in almost every transaction and even every process, is a crucial part in business English. In order to win each others trust and satisfaction, it is advisable for businessmen to use euphemism and tactful expressions to express their own standpoints and aspirations politely. On the one hand, a business can not go without euphemism. Just like lubrication oil reduces wear, euphemism makes the business go on smoothly. Euphemism can provide a harmonious atmosphere in which both sides of a business transaction can reach desired purposes,and on the other hand, it also makes a firm commitment for a long-term business relationship for both parties involved. Euphemism in business English has contributed to the smoothness of business negotiations for it can avoid embarrassment and conflicts in transactions, and euphemism has been profoundly revealed both in vocabulary and grammar. There are many studies on how to use euphemism in business English, while in this paper the author will focus on how euphemism is applied in business English. This paper probes into euphemism favored in business English for the purpose of helping people have a better understanding of euphemism and offering more effective measures to help businessmen to maximize the application of euphemism in business English and help them get more success in negotiation and cooperation.
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