
    Abstract Business English cannot do without for English translation, translation cannot do without the understanding of the nature of international business. Business English comes from general English, but because it is a professional English, with specific properties. It has its own characteristics in the aspects of syntax word, and often involves a little professional practical range, have certain professional related. Therefore, in the business letter or information on the translation, in addition to know some general knowledge of English language features in common, but also should master the professional features, the corresponding business English translation be rigorous and precise. In fact, there is a relationship between the factors of international commerce success or failure, is the translator's attitude and serious degree, a casual business letters are not accepted, it will only make you feel you have no sincerity to buyers. So the translator's personal quality is very important. The paper analyzes the features of business English, the differences between Chinese and English in terms of culture and persity to explain the existence of translation process, thus skills of business English translation and sums up to become to have an interpreter quality and requirements.67949

    Key words: Business English; language features; translation skills




    1. Introduction 1

    2. Writing Style of Language Features of Business English 1

    2.1 Expressing and Writing Style of Business English 2

    2.2 Paying Attention to Etiquette 3

    2.3 Business English Requirements 3

    2.4 Special Words and Phrases 3

    2.5 Culture Effect 4

    3. Strategy of Business English Translation 5

    3.1 Statement 5

    3.2 Considering Cultural Differences 6

    3.3 Making Cultural Information Equivalence 7

    3.4 Correct Understanding of the Professional Vocabulary 8

    3.5 Paying Attention to the Typical Formula 9

    3.6 Preventing Omission 9

    4. Translation Techniques of Business English 9

    4.1 Sequential 9

    4.2 Reversing 10

    4.3 Splitting 10

    4.4 Recasting 10

    4.5 Case Analysis

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