    摘 要自从中国加入WTO以来,中国企业参与国际商务活动也愈加频繁。在中英商务交际中,进行交流的人们是有着不同的文化背景、价值观、思文方式的,因此在沟通交流时难免会遇到一些问题。这些问题的产生大部分都来自于中英文化间的差异。本文探讨的是国际商务礼仪中的中英文化差异。中英文化差异导致中英商务礼仪的千差万别,在国际商务活动中,要达到有效交际的目标,就必须从文化差异的角度去了解国际商务礼仪。只有这样才能避免交际障碍,消除文化冲突,实现更加有效的交际。36527
    Abstract Under the circumstances of China’s accession to WTO, China’s enterprises have more opportunities to participate in international business activities than before. In this process, people who have different cultural background and values are involved, so they will encounter many problems and troubles when communicating with each other. Generally speaking, most of the problems come from the differences between different cultures. This paper probe into the cultural differences in international business protocol between China and Britain. Cultural differences between the two countries lead to the business etiquette differing from each other in thousands of ways, in international business activities, in order to achieve the business goal, it is necessary to understand the business protocol from the perspective of cultural differences. It is the only way to avoid communication barriers and eliminate cultural conflicts.
    Key words: cultural differences; international business protocol; influence
    摘 要...i
    I. Introduction..1
    II. Brief Introduction of Culture and International Business Protocol2
      2.1 Culture2
      2.2 International Business Protocol3
    III. Cultural Differences4
      3.1 Values4
      3.2 Time Concept5
      3.3 Language Habits5
      3.4 Non-language Habits6
      3.5 Etiquette and Customs6
      3.6 Thinking Modes7
    IV. Influence of Cultural Differences and Strategies.8
      4.1 Influence of Cultural Differences8
    4.1.1 Causing Negotiation Agenda Cannot Be Unified8
    4.1.2 Causing Misunderstanding9
    4.1.3 Causing Business Negotiation Cracked...11
    4.2 Strategies12
    4.2.1 Establishing Cross-cultural Awareness12
    4.2.2 Respecting and Reconciling Cultural Differences.13
    V. Conclusion14
    An Analysis of China-Britain Cultural Differences in International Business Protocol
    I.         Introduction
    With the global economic integration and the advent of the information age, as China’s reform and open up is speeding up day by day, especially the development of China market. In this background, the international communication is increasing rapidly, the cultural differences and etiquette between China and Britain is more and more obvious, and the impact of these differences cannot be ignored. International trade and external exchanges have become increasingly frequent, and it is also common to see that China’s enterprises participate in many international business activities. Cross-cultural communication is inevitable if our domestic enterprises want to go out. In business communication, people with different cultural background, religious beliefs, values, thinking modes are involved in this process. Therefore, it is unavoidable to encounter some problems in communication and exchanges. Generally speaking, most of them come from the differences between different cultures. So before the etiquette in China and Western countries have a perfect fusion, it is an urgent need for us to concern about the relevant content of Chinese and Western business etiquette to promote the success of the negotiations. Therefore, understanding of the cultural differences between the two sides is particularly important in business communication, and plays a crucial role in the business communication.
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