This research is pided into five parts. The first part is the introduction of entire study. The second part, an overview study of presupposition briefly introduce the study of presupposition abroad and in China and theories on presupposition. The third part gives an account of theories on advertising. The fourth part deals with the analysis of pragmatic presupposition, mainly including the features and classifications of pragmatic presupposition in English advertising and the functions of pragmatic presupposition in English advertising. And the last part is the conclusions of the study.
II. An Overview Study of Presupposition
2.1 Study of Presupposition Abroad and in China
The notion of presupposition, first proposed in the writings of a German Philosopher Frege in the late 19th century, who discussed the relation between presupposition and sentence meaning, and said, “If anything is asserted there is always an obvious presupposition that the simple or compound proper names used have a reference” (467).
Frege points out that a proper name to express its meaning and specify its reference and when something is asserted, then the presupposition taken for granted is that using the proper name, simple word or compound, may have reference. Another American scholar Robert Stalnaker put forward the notion of pragmatic presupposition, which associates presupposition with speakers and listeners, laying stress on the dependence of presupposition in the context. According to George Yule’s views of presupposition, which means that the statement of presupposition will remain the same, even if that statement is negative.
- 上一篇:谈商务英语中委婉语的应用
- 下一篇:浅谈游戏教学法在小学英语课堂中的应用