
    Ⅱ. The Features of the Main Characters

    There are four foremost protagonists in this masterpiece. They are respectively Ralph, Piggy, Simon and Jack. They have their own inpidual features. For instance, Ralph possesses lots of excellent qualities. Those qualities are including modest, gentle and cultivated. He is humble, the reader can know his quality by this case, which he was elected as the leader on the island. They thought that Ralph has the quality of leadership. Ralph is so modest that he can not say something, which he wants to be a leader just because he possesses the quality of leadership. Ralph is also gentle, this means that he often is polite to others. And he is friendly to other young boys. The cultivated of his maybe because he was born into a well family, and he was accepted better of education. However, everyone has their own faults. With no exception to Ralph, who can not control his savagery which exists in deep his heart. This is his fatal weakness, and he participated in the activity which kills Simon. Therefore, it is no doubt that this case has completed reflect his fault. Next protagonist is Piggy. He is rational and insightful. Despite he is the most physically vulnerable one of all the boys; he is the most intellectual of all the boys. Besides, he is friendly and enthusiasm. He is friendly to young boys very much. Ralph was the first, the one who benefits from his excellent qualities, because Piggy once taught him how to blow conch. Furthermore, he is insight to the truth of beast. Next protagonist is Simon, he also possesses lots of best qualities, such as tolerance, sympathy and mercy. Besides, kindness is one of his characteristics, in other words, he is kindness itself. Although Simon is less than Ralph from the aspect of predominant talent, he is also not as clever as Piggy. He has a heart of gold. He is always to ready for helping others. Moreover, he has the ability of super-nature. In other word, he can predict something which only happened in future. Therefore, he is an only boy that he knows the truth of beast. The last protagonist is Jack who is a negative protagonist. He collects for evils from human nature, including indifference, violence, viciousness and slipperiness. He is cruel to young boys. He planned the activity of murder, which killed Simon and Piggy. In the end of this novel, he ignited the fire on the whole island in order to kill Ralph. In a world, he is a dangerous man. Then, this paper will analyze their features in details as follow.
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