
    Traditional foreign language teaching is in progress on the single track, that is there is a piece of language line running through the process of teaching.This pattern of teaching emphasizes on so-called key point of language,that is,the teaching stresses on explaining and practicing words, phrase, sentence pattern, customary pattern, general idea of paragraph and article contents. This pattern takes positive effect on studying language knowledge and grasping language skills,but this kind of pattern of teaching exists obvious drawback. The result of single line teaching is accumulating language knowledge and proficient in language skills.But the obstacles of cross-cultural communication will arise without support and coordination of cultural knowledge,which contradicts with the eventual goal of foreign language teaching.
    The human is the subject of culture, and is the object for culture; at the same time, the human is the subject of education, and is the object for education. Learner is the subject in educational process, and education focuses on the cultivation and development of learner's subjectivity. On the other hand, education cares human's life, significance, experience and creation, so lacking of the cultural function of education, it is not possible for education to care human's life and significance. Education must meet the challenges the changing world, and in doing so, no student must be left behind. We teach our students for the world that will be, not the world that was and will not come again. Therefore, the research of classroom culture has been a trend, and plays a central role in improving the quality of teaching.
    1.1 Definition of Classroom Culture
    Classroom culture has been an important topic in writings about education and culture. Classroom culture, in the review of Tudor, may give us insight into the teachers’ and students’ attitudes, beliefs’ and expectations in the classroom. Therefore, the concept of classroom culture plays an important role in the research projects in education, for it may serve as a theoretical tool with which researchers can explore into the invisible underlying forces that shape and govern the behavior of instructors and learners in the classroom. According to Tudor, classroom culture refers to the complex of attitudes and expectations, which shape learners’ socio cultural personality in the classroom, and thereby their interactions with their language study. That is to say, students’ socio cultural personality in the classroom will therefore influence their interaction with various aspects of language study. It involves aspects of learners’ national or regional culture, but it is also influences by the social, economic, and ideological factors that prevail in the home culture. The concept of classroom culture encapsulates or contains many of the beliefs and attitudes of the society in question, but they are perceived and experienced by the specific group of learners concerned. Therefore, teachers’ notion, students’ behavior, and the class organization form are all the specific activities for the representation of classroom culture. From the definition it can be inferred that classroom culture is a microcosm of the wider society to which it belongs. That is to say, what go on within the classroom is educational environment and the whole society.
    1.2 Chinese Classroom Culture
        1.2.1 Teacher’s Role
    In Communicative Language Teaching, teacher roles areas the following: The teacher has two main roles: the first is to facilitate the communication process between all participants in the classroom, and between these participants and the various activities and texts. The second role is to act as an independent participant within the learning-teaching group. The latter role is closely related to the objective of the first role and arises from it. These roles imply a set of secondary roles for the teacher is that of researcher and learner, with much to contribute in terms of appropriate knowledge and abilities, actual and observed experience of the nature of learning and organizational capacities.
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