
    2.2 Weak Interest and Motivation of Students 

    The traditional English education model rote-sided requires students to know vocabulary, syntax, text and so on. If things go on like this, it will make students feel tired, especially given a lot of psychological burdens of students, when it comes to learning English, some students will get tired and others even appear to contradict English classes. 

    2.3 Shortage of Parents’ Considerations

    The parents’ attitude plays an important role on student’s learning. Now there are many parents who are busy with their livelihood and they pay little attention to their children learning and school records, there are also many parents who even have an indifferent attitude to their children. The school and parents are lack of communication.  

    Ⅲ. Methods of Solving Problems in Junior Middle School English Teaching

     Now there are many problems in junior middle school English teaching, which requires school, teachers and students to overcome these problems. According to these problems, this article gives people some ways which are based on English teaching. Here are some ways to the problems.

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