
    Chapter Two Literature Review 源`自·751"文'论:文'网,www.751com.cn

         It is a dynamic changing trend of complex relationship between English vocabulary knowledge and reading comprehension. Generally speaking, public can study the relationship from two aspects: influence of vocabulary knowledge on reading comprehension and influence of reading comprehension on vocabulary knowledge or vocabulary growth. Actually, research achievements aboard is fruitful on relationship between English vocabulary and reading comprehension. For example, Anderson and Freebody ( 1981 )、Nation( 1993 ) has come up with instrumental view, learning competence view and knowledge view. Besides, Mezynski ( 1983 ) once put forward extraction view of vocabulary knowledge and reading comprehension. More importantly, Laufer (1992, 2004, 2010) and Sim(1985) has investigated from various aspects on relationships between English reading comprehension and unknown words density or lexical threshold or vocabulary coverage.

  1. 上一篇:英语学困生的单词教学策略的研究
  2. 下一篇:西班牙语论文浅析林黛玉和玛丽亚的悲剧人生
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