
    2.1 Conflit in education.7

    2.2 Conflit in marriage..9

    2.3 Conflit in mode of expression.10

    2.4 Conflit in privacy11

    Chapter Three  Reconciliation and resolution of conflicts..12

    3.1 Performance of reconciliation.12

        3.2 Resolution of conflicts..12

            3.2.1 Culture adjustment12

         3.2.2 Respect for cultural differences13

         3.2.3 Improvement of communication skills 14



    The Analysis on Cultural Conflict from Mother-daughter Relationship In The Joy Luck Club


    Amy Tan (born February 19, 1952) is an American writer. Her works mainly explore mother-daughter relationships and the Chinese-American experience. Her best-known work , The Joy Luck Club, which was published in 1989, has been translated into 35 languages. The novel consists of sixteen related stories about the experiences of four Chinese-American mother-daughter pairs. 源-自/751+文,论^文'网]www.751com.cn

     In the novel, four Chinese mothers each have a daughter, but they have difficulty in communicating with their American-born daughters. The barrier of mother-daughter communication is from different cultural background. Mothers grew up in China under the traditional “high-context culture”(Tian Lei, 2015, p.306), while their daughters grew up in the United States under the “low-context culture”(p.306).

    Though four Chinese mothers immigrated to America, deeply influenced by traditional Chinese values, they try to inherit traditional Chinese culture to their daughters, in order to keep their roots. But daughters were struggling to find the answer of "who I am" in the white mainstream society, after bitter resistance and struggle, they finally found ultimate goal of their soul in the Chinese traditional culture. As a result, they realized that mother is their only dependence.

  1. 上一篇:分析《老人与海》中的“硬汉”精神
  2. 下一篇:《小妇人》家庭教育人生观
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