
    Abstract With the rapid development of international trade, business negotiation has become increasingly important. As is known to all, international business negotiation is a cross-cultural interpersonal communication, which has verbal and nonverbal means. When it comes to negotiation and communication, people will usually pay more attention to the use of language, and ignore the nonverbal expressions. Body language as an important way of nonverbal expression, conveys information in the cross-cultural business negotiation even more than language itself. At the same time, cultural differences of body language exist in thousands of ways, so appropriate body language in intercultural business negotiation plays a vital role, which makes complements to the speech communication, sometimes even can make negotiations successful. The purpose of this article through the analysis of the communicative functions of body language is to interpret its role in the cross-cultural business negotiation, to attract the attention of the non-verbal communication and improve the possibility of success in cross-cultural business negotiations.53603

    Key words: body language; international business negotiation; different cultures; communicative function; application


    毕业论文关键词:体态语;国际商务谈判; 文化;交际功能;运用


    1. Introduction 1

    2. Literature Review 2

    3. The Classification and Application of Body Language 2

    3.1 The definition of body language 2

    3.2 The classification of body language 3

    3.3 The application of body language 10

    4. Communicative Functions of Body Language 11

    4.1 Repetition 11

    4.2 Supplement 12

    4.3 Replacement 12

    4.4 Adjustment 13

    4.5 Contradiction 13

    5. Strategies in Cross-cultural Business Negotiation 14

    5.1 Respect in negotiation 14

    5.2 Adaptation to culture difference 14

    5.3 Establishment of cross-cultural consciousness 14

    5.4 Avoidance of cultural prejudice 15

    5.5 Preparation in advance 15

    6. Conclusion 15

    Works Cited 17

    1. Introduction 

    With china’s entry to WTO, international trade in various levels is becoming increasingly frequent and important for us to learn cultural factors. There is no denying that body language in different cultures exerts great impact on international business negotiation. 

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