
    They think human body is the source of message including basic stance, small movement and basic etiquette in cross-cultural communication. Some scholars put the object language and environmental language in the study which covers eye language, sign language, space distance, facial expressions and so on.

    According to the different principles and perspectives, body language can be classified differently.

    First, according to parts of human body, the classification involves gesture, facial expressions, head language, shoulder and foot kinesics. Second, based on the feature and number of points, simple body language and complex body language are included. Simple body language includes one complete action as well as the repetition of the same motion; complex body language consists of several different actions. Third, by way of meanings conveyed, it can be pided into directive body language, descriptive body language and symbolic body language. In this essay, I would like to exemplify body language as follows (Liu Baiyu, 2006: 45).

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