
    For The Great Gatsby, few articles analyzed the heroine Daisy from the perspective of Fitzgerald’s wife Zelda. From the analysis on the text, the writer’s female characters mostly show the nature of selfish, emptiness and supremacy of money. In a deep sense, this description is a part of the whole novel symbolism, is his serious thought of America social spiritual values. 源'自:751]'论-文'网"]www.751com.cn

    This essay will analysis some similarities between the heroine Daisy in the great Gatsby with the most important woman in Fitzgerald’s life—his wife—Zelda. First, Zelda and Daisy have similar family background. These two have prominent family background, it has an important influence for the later plot developing; second, Zelda and Daisy have similar personalities. They all have similar character flaws, such as the lack of independence, spiritual emptiness; third, Zelda and Daisy’s attitude towards life is very similar, such as they only loyal to their own emotions. Fitzgerald’s description of Daisy devoted his love, hate and calm analysis for his wife Zelda and many contemporary female characters, that they are victims of men and society. At the same time as women, to a certain extent, they have their own flash and laudable.

    2. Literature Review

    F. Scott Fitzgerald is judged to be one of the major American prose writers of this century. This novel described the emptiness and nothingness of American worship of wealth and the unending American dream of love, splendor, and fulfilled desires.

    In Love or Money,written by Akinyemi, based on an analysis of the break of Gatsby’s American Dream. From his analysis, we can have a view about the relationship between love and money of the characters in the novel—love is closely connected with money. And then according to the status quo in reality, it draws a conclusion that there is a close relationship between love and money in reality. In sum, it is an analysis of the relationship between love and money in reality according to the break of Gatsby’s American Dream.

  1. 上一篇:从女性主义翻译理论角度浅析张爱玲译作
  2. 下一篇:浅析跨文化交际中的文化休克现象及对策
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