
    Abstract With the development of global economic integration process, economic exchange and corporation worldwide have become more and more frequent. It’s impossible for people to meet every trade partner and have a face-to-face negotiation. At this time, business correspondence turns out to be an effective and economical medium for both sides to communicate. Through a business correspondence, people can exchange information, establish business relationships, express friendship and so on. A polite business correspondence can help to build a nice image and bring more trade chances for the company. However, a business correspondence without good courtesy can result in misunderstandings and trade failures. Thus, the rule of politeness in a business letter can not be ignored.54569

     This thesis introduces the definitions of politeness and Politeness Principle, the significance of business correspondence and how to use strategies properly to express politeness in business correspondence. And then, analysis is done on how to show politeness through words and sentences, tones, manner of writing, methods to transmit messages and the use of fuzzy language. Finally, a brief conclusion is made based on the research and analysis.

    Key words: business correspondence; politeness; Politeness Principles; pragmatic strategies 



    毕业论文关键字:商务信函; 礼貌; 礼貌原则; 语用策略


    1. Introduction 1

    2. Literature Review 1

    3. English Business Correspondence and Politeness Principle 3

    3.1 Definition of English Business Correspondence 3

    3.2 Definition of Politeness Principle 3

    3.3 Significance of Politeness in English Business Correspondence 4

    4. Pragmatic Strategies for Appropriate Politeness 4

    4.1 Manner 4

    4.2 Diction 6

    4.3 Tones 8

    4.4 Methods of Transmitting Messages 11

    4.5 Fuzzy Language 11

    5. Conclusion 12

    Works Cited 14

    1. Introduction 

    At present, under the international environment of economic integration, worldwide economic cooperation is increasingly strengthened. It can be said that no one country in the world can be closed. They are more and more dependent on others in economy. Through foreign trade, a country can promote economic cooperation with other countries, improve the international environment and create a good environment for their economic development. In the process, trade exchange and cooperation are indispensable and business correspondence becomes a bridge between exporters and importers to reach a fair and mutually satisfactory deal. So business correspondence actually plays an important role in transaction. 

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