
    This thesis analyzes Jason’s personalities through enumerating his specific acts and analyzes three reasons for the formation of his personalities from the fall of the south, the “desertion” and mental maturity to give him a fair and objective evaluation.源`自,751`.论"文'网[www.751com.cn

    3. Analysis of the Reasons for Jason’s Behaviors and Personalities 

    The Sound and the Fury, set in the fictional Yoknapatawpha County, centers on the Compson family, former Southern aristocrats who are struggling to deal with the dissolution of their family and its reputation. Mr. Compson is the father of the Compson family. He is a lawyer who attended the University of the South. He is a nihilistic thinker and alcoholic. He detests the whole world, which torment his son, Quentin. Mrs. Compson is a self-absorbed neurotic. She has never shown affection for any of her children except Jason because he takes after her side of the family. In her old age, she has become an abusive hypochondriac. Quentin is passionate and neurotic. He commits suicide as the tragic culmination of the damaging influence of his father’s nihilistic philosophy and his inability to cope with his sister’s sexual promiscuity. Candy is somewhat stubborn, but is loving and compassionate. She is Benjy’s only real caregiver and Quentin’s best friend. Jason is the bitter, racist third child who is troubled by monetary debt and sexual frustration. He works at a farming goods store owned by a man named Earl and becomes head of the household in 1912. He has been embezzling Miss Quentin’s support payments for years.  Benjy is severely mentally disabled, an “idiot” with no understanding of the concepts of time or morality. Caddy is the only family member who shows any genuine love towards him. He has an almost animal-like “sixth sense” about people, as he was able to tell that Caddy had lost her virginity just from her smell.  

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