
    By now, many scholars have made researches on Charles Dickens, so that we are so familiar with his life stories. Charles Dickens was the greatest critical realist of 19th in British literature history. Deeply influenced by the terrible trouble, he had no alternative but to become a child labor in a boot and shoe cream workshop, so that he could support his family.

    From now on, so many literary critics speak highly of the book Oliver Twist. Undoubtedly, in China, many researchers have studied the work of Oliver Twist. He Shunli figures out the excellent aspect of humanity through the analysis of the true, the good and the beautiful in Oliver Twist, while Li Shuo attempts to tell people the dark side in the society. 

         There are also lots of critics studying this book Oliver Twist abroad, such as the famous researcher Peter. From Catherine Peters’ point of view, its general purpose was clear in his mind was evident from his later—written preface: “I wished to show, in little Oliver, the principle of Good surviving through every adverse circumstance and triumphing at last” (Peters 35). 

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