
    Every day people share their experiences and emotions with others by communicating, regardless of their gender, age, or race. As a mater of fact, they are performing the same communicative activity in spite of the persity in culture. Tending to define human communication explicitly and singly is very difficult for everyone. From ancient time to nowadays, scholars have never ceased in exhausting the definitions of communication. Communication, which is our capacity to share resources and exchange opinions, forms the basis of human interaction, both at work and in everyday life.

    In Intercultural Communications, Jandt (1995) classified communication into ten components:source, encoding, message, channel, noise, receiver, decoding, receiver response, feedback, context. By understanding the components of communication, people are better able to understand it. Effective communication often depends upon suitable communication styles. O’Connell. Sandra said that most of the style clusters are around four dimensions: blaming, directing, persuasive, and problem solving (Lahiff and Penrose, 1997: 40). It is worthwhile to note that blaming style used by a person to try to find others’ faults should be usually avoided. In certain conditions, the directing style can be very useful and effective. A directing person will direct the others to do something to create a two-win situation. While the persuasive style employs information sharing and acceptance techniques, the problem-solving style seeks mutual acceptance from the two sides. Only when you know which one is your dominant communication style can you get ready for dealing with the occasion with right style. 

  1. 上一篇:浅析中西方面子文化的差异《喜宴》为例
  2. 下一篇:跨文化交际中的中美时间观之对比分析
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  2. 中美拒绝言语行为及策略对比研究

  3. 对中美“屠呦呦获奖”报道的框架分析

  4. 中美文化差异对商务谈判的影响

  5. 委婉语的发展及在跨文化交际中的社会价值

  6. 跨文化非语言交际视角下的中美身势语

  7. 从跨文化交际的角度看食品广告的翻译

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  10. 公示语汉英翻译错误探析

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