
    Abstract The relationship between language and culture are inseparable and relational. If you really have skillful language communication ability and want to master the communication tool—English, you must hold the knowledge of the cultural differences between the Western countries and China. In the teaching of English, teachers should spare no efforts to improve the students' cultural sensitivity and eliminate negative effects of cultural differences. Teachers should enhance students' ability of cultural understanding and boost the students' language ability in the meantime. The writer of this paper will research distinctions between Chinese culture and Western cultures and then evaluate and analyze the influences of cultural differences between the Western countries and China on English teaching, and finally, the writer gives us some useful and helpful suggestions which can overcome those awkward cultural differences and are good for teaching as well.61488

    Key words: language and culture; cultural differences; English teaching and learning; influences




    1.Introduction 1

    2.The Relationship between Culture and Language 1

    2.1 The Conception of the Language and Culture 1

    2.2 The Relations between Language and Culture 2

    3. Cultural Differences between China and the Western Countries 4

    3.1 Cultural Differences in Religious Beliefs 4

    3.2 Cultural Differences in Geographical Region 5

    3.3 Cultural Differences in Customs 6

    3.4 Education Cultural Differences 7

    4. Developing Effective English Teaching Strategies according to the Differences between Chinese Culture and Western Culture 9

    4.1 Strengthening the Culture Introduction in the Process of English Teaching 9

    4.2 Encouraging the Students to Read a lot of Extracurricular Books 11

    4.3 Cultivating Students’ English Thinking Modes in Language Use 12

    5. Conclusion 13

    Works Cited 14

    1. Introduction 

    In this day and age, with the development of science and technology, and with the change of people’s idea, the world is globalizing increasingly. People are confronted with a new international life that exchanges around people from all over the world, whether it is business trade or social activities, become more frequent and close than before. The language, a magic media, has set up a bridge to communicate with people. In the wake of deposition of history and the development of society, China and the Western countries have formed different and splendid cultures, and the relationship between language and culture are inseparable and relational. If students really would like to master communication skills, they must grasp the knowledge of language and special cultures of Western countries. If students pay more attention to the use of English form rather than the cultural differences, which will lead to the improper use of language, even cause misunderstanding. To solve this problem, teachers should cultivate students’ comprehensive ability about cultural differences and enhance students’ intercultural consciousness in English learning. 

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