

    毕业论文关键词  女性语言特点  语用分析  《欲望都市》

    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title A Pragmatic Study of Female Language Features in Sex and the City


    Sex and the City, aired by HBO Films, is a comic film about the lives of four heroines, and women’s talk is one of the most attractive features of this film. Taking Lakoff’s analysis of women’s language and Leech’s politeness principle as the analytical framework, this thesis takes lines of Sex and the City as research object and analyzes the female language features in it. Methodologically speaking, the author conducts qualitative analysis as well as quantitative analysis to the distributions and frequencies of characters’ language in Sex and the City. Through careful analyses of the selected language materials, the author finds that in the lexical level, women consciously tend to use more adjectives and hedges; from the syntactical level, women are prone to use tag questions and indirect requests to show their politeness.

    Keywords:  Female Language Features   Pragmatic Analysis   Sex and the City

    Table of Contents

    1Introduction ....…5

    1.1  Object of the Study.….….…5

    1.2  Significance of the Study..…..…..6

    1.3  Organization of the Thesis…..…..6

    2  Literature Review….…...7

    2.1  Language and Gender..….…7

    2.2  Studies on Women’s Language...….….8

    2.2.1  Studies on Women’s language abroad….….…..8

    2.2.2  Studies on Women’s language at Home….…....9

    3  Theoretical Framework…..…10

    3.1  Lakoff’s Analysis of Women’s Language….….…...….….10

    3.2  Leech’s Politeness Principle….….….….....11

    4  Research Design and Methodology........13

    4.1  The Collection and Description of Data..….…...13

    4.2  Data Analysis…...…....….….…..13

    5  Features of Women’s Language in Sex and the City…....…15

    5.1  Lexical Level…..….…15

    5.1.1  Extravagant Adjectives............….…15

    5.1.2  Hedges.….....…...…....….17

    5.2  Syntactical Level…..…...…19

    5.2.1  Tag questions…..….….…....…19

    5.2.2  Indirect Request…..….….…........…20




    1. Introduction

    1.1 Object of the Study

    The previous researches on language and gender have found some features of women’s language in the aspects of lexicon, syntax and pragmatics. While female identity and feminism become to gain more and more attention, we are curious about whether the former studies still work for the modern city women. The present study is aimed at checking the existent relevant conclusions by providing pragmatic analysis of women’s language in the film Sex and the City.

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