

    毕业论文关键词  中国古诗翻译   不可译现象   三美论   以创补失 

    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title On the Untranslatability and Creative Reproduction of Classical Chinese Poem¬¬——From the Perspective of Xu Yuanchong’s “Three Beauty” Theory

    Abstract Various untranslatable factors in poem translation make classical Chinese poem translation rather difficult. Accordingly, one distinguished Chinese translator, Xu Yuanchong, put forward the “Three Beauty” Theory to set up a standard for poem translation and the theory of “Creation for Loss” to guide the translation practice. This paper will, on the basis of professor Xu’s theory, study the problem of untranslatability and creative reproduction of classical Chinese poem respectively from three aspects, namely, sound, form and sense. Besides, various studies on professor Xu’s translation theory cause confusions in understanding. Therefore, this paper tries to give a comprehensive comment on his theory through a wide research on previous studies in order to provide a better understanding. Lastly, this paper will critically study the application of the “Three Beauty” Theory and the theory of “Creation for Loss” in the classical Chinese poem translation practice in hope for providing several helpful guidelines.

    Keywords   Classical Chinese Poem Translation   “Three Beauty” Theory Untranslatability   Creation for Loss

    Table of Contents

    1.  Introduction 1

    2.  Literature Review 2

    2.1  Previous Studies on Poem Untranslatability 2

    2.2  Previous Studies on Xu Yuanchong’s Translation Thoughts of “Three Beauty” 3

    3.  Untranslatability in Classical Chinese Poem Translation 4

    3.1  Theoretical Basis: “Three Beauty” Theory 4

    3.2  Untranslatable Factors in Sound, Form and Sense in Classical Chinese Poem 6

    4.  The Theory of Creation for Loss- A Way to Recreate “Three Beauty” 10

    4.1  An Introduction to The Theory of Creation for Loss 10

    4.2  The Applications of Creation for Loss in Classical Chinese Poem Translation 12

    Conclusion 15

    Acknowledgements 17

    Bibliography 18


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