
    2.2  Methodology.........................................................................................................6

    2.2.1  Sample Selection……………………………………….………………….6

    2.2.2  Subjects and Interview Questions…………………………………7

    2.2.3  Online Questionnaire Survey………………….………………………7

    3  Research Results…………………….………………….…………………………9

    3.1  Limited Understandings…………………………….……………….9

    3.2  Declining Chinese Cultural Identification…………….…….………….13

    4  Discussions.............................................................................................................14

    4.1  Existing Problems and Relevant Reasons…………………………….……14

    4.2  Suggestions for Improvement………………………………….………15




    Appendix A…………………………………….……….……………………………23

    Appendix B…………………………………………………….….……….…….25 

    1 Introduction

    Since 1990s, globalization has speeded up a lot and cultural communications among different countries have been expanded and advanced, which makes possible for various western thoughts swarming into China’s elementary, secondary, and higher educational fields. Furthermore, the awkwardness of contemporary conditions of traditional culture education in China’s elementary and secondary schools cannot be ignored. Due to the test-oriented education, Mathematics and English are the two top subjects in most parents and students’ eyes, while Chinese, especially traditional Chinese culture, is relatively of less importance. In this case, how contemporary primary and middle school students consider Chinese traditions and what the condition of their cultural identification is are problems of great concern. This paper intends to explore Chinese students’ cultural identification, find out problems about the education of Chinese traditional culture, and give certain suggestions for improvement through an empirical investigation.


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