    摘要教学测试作为教学活动中的重要环节在获取学生知识掌握情况,在及时调整教学侧重点和评价教师教学业绩方面有重要作用。但由于我国特殊的教育环境,教学测试环节往往出现过于强调学生书面成绩、形式单一等其他弊端。素质教育作为教育工作者的共识已经提出十余年,其侧重于学生的整体发展要求和教学测试相结合以寻求学生学业成绩和综合能力的平衡。本文以探讨初中英语教学测试和素质教育的关系为重点,通过相关语言学、教育学,心理学等理论的分析及运用,结合中学生身心发展特点,对如何实施更加科学的英语教学测试方法来推动素质教育的发展进行了探讨,以期为初中英语教学方面提供有益探索。关键词:初中英语;教学测试;素质教育 Abstract 9618
    As an important part of the teaching activities, testing has significant functions on getting information about student’s academic level, modifying teaching focus in time and assessing teacher’s achievement. But testing often faces some challenges, put more emphasizes on grades, not-various assessing methods, etc, restricted by China unique education circumstance. Quality education which has been proposed for more than 10years and has already been the consensus of most educators asks the balance between the academic performance and integrated ability. This paper focuses on the relationship of English testing and quality education in junior school by researching linguistic,pedagogy and psychological relevant theory combined with junior school students’ psychological and physical features.
    Key words: junior school English; teaching testing; quality education
    Junior English’s Teaching Test and Quality Education
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. English Testing in Junior School    2
    2.1 Definition and Functions of English Testing    2
    2.2 The Problems of English Testing in Junior School    3
    2.3 The Causes of Problems in Junior School English Testing    4
    2.4 Characters of English Testing in Middle School    6
    III. Quality Education in Junior School    7
    3.1 Definition of Quality Education    7
    3.2 Necessity of Quality Education    7
    IV. How to Balance and Improve English Teaching Test and Quality Education in Junior School    8
    4.1 The Relationship between English Language Testing and Quality Education    8
    4.2 Strategies for Improving English Test and Quality Education    10
    V. Conclusion    13
    Bibliography    15
    Acknowledgments    16I. Introduction
    Though English has been emphasized a lot in China especially after stepping into 21st century, nowadays English learning is facing an awkward situation. The situation of junior school English learning is worried. Some education workers still insist the traditional teaching idea about English and grade is still the main assessment norm even though the quality education has been proposed and implemented for more than a decade.
    Lingual discipline has its unique traits compared with other courses. Testing ideas and methods should also be changed according to English characters. As a language, the final and the most important goal of English is communication. High test grads do not mean good performance in actual communications. This practical ability is also the demands of quality education.
    In recent years, how to cultivate learners’ actual language ability is becoming a hot topic in the field of foreign language teaching. The New Curriculum Standard for English teaching in China suggests that teachers should alter the traditional teaching models and assist students to improve their practical communicative ability.
  1. 上一篇:关联理论维度之交流环境中的误解探析
  2. 下一篇:农村中学英语教育现状及对策
  1. 初中生英语交际能力培养的研究

  2. 任务教学在初中英语口语教学的应用

  3. 游戏教学法在小学英语教学中应用

  4. 英语电影在初中英语教学的应用

  5. 课程资源在小学英语教学中的应用

  6. 情感教学在初中英语教学中的调查研究

  7. 故事主题教学法在小学英语教学中的应用

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