
    Cost Control and its Application of Construction Project
    Abstract:China is one of the countries with the most construction projects with the enormous investment in the world, but the study on the cost control and its application relatively lags behind. With the continuous deepening reform of construction management and the form of market competition mechanism, the construction enterprise’s production and management had a deep transformation.
    First, the thesis explaining the meaning and function of construction project cost on the basis of the brief analysis of the present condition of construction project; classifying the construction cost according to cost accounting, points out the factors which influencing the cost are time limit for a project, the quality of construction, the level of management, the cost of labor, materials and machinery, etc. discussing the basis, object, content, etc. of cost control; emphasizing the importance of cost control through the literature analysis.
    Secondly, pointing out the problems of cost control in construction enterprise, mainly is: the weakness of cost consciousness, the related party power and responsibilities is not clear, ignoring the quality cost and period cost, the concept of economic management is not strong, ignoring the beforehand control and process control, the improper use and handling of costs, the chaos of contract management, etc.; the analysis and discussion aiming at the problems which existing in the construction project that out of control, shows that the construction enterprises should pay attention to the cost management, setting up reasonable control objectives, clear the responsibility, decompose and implement to the related responsibly unit and individual; try to build cost control system including all departments and staffs, to promote the level of construction, technology and management. To facilitate the after empirical analysis, the specific measures are emphatically introduced by induction.
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