    Design of the reservation service system for the gymnasium
    Abstract: The rapid rise of smart phones promotes the development of mobile APP. Because people get access to information, entertainment and communication through APP, APP interactive design has become a hot spot for design. This subject takes the fitness gymnasiumre servation service as the break, through the analysis of the fitness requirements and characteristics of students as well as fitness coach, looking for the product target direction. In the design stage, using observation method, the interview method, the main research method to explore in the aspect of interaction design of product design the ultimate.And at the same time to grasp the emotional elements of the target user and guide visual interface design.Gym booking service system that can not only to students at the gym reserveing courses provide convenient, but also improve the service quality of gym, fully demonstrated the advantages of digital and information. Starting from the point of view of the design practice, the application can help the gym customers reserve courses conveniently , check the gym course information and help coach management courses and students, always understand students need service and enhance the service quality of the gym.
    Keywords: Interaction design; User experience; reservation services;gymnasium
    摘要    I
    Abstract    II
    第1章 前言    1
    1.1 研究背景    1
    1.2 研究的目的和意义    2
    1.3 研究现状和主要内容    3
    第2章 研究方法和技术路线    5
    2.1 研究方法    5
    2.1.1查询资料法    5
    2.1.2 跟踪调查法    5
    2.1.3 用户访谈法    5
    2.1.4 结构图法    6
    2.1.5 自然语言法    6
    2.1.6 任务走查法    6
    2.2 技术路线    6
    第3章 设计调查    9
    3.1 用户需求分析    9
    3.1.1 用户群体    9
    3.1.2 实地观察    9
    3.1.3 用户访谈    10
    3.1.4人物角色    11
    3.2 情景模拟    12
    3.3 专家访谈    13
    3.4 产品目标    13
    第4章 产品设计    14
    4.1 设计定位    14
    4.1.1 产品理念    14
    4.1.2 功能设计    15
    4.1.3 商业模式设计    17
    4.2 信息架构设计    17
    4.3 任务分析    18
    4.4 低保真原型设计    19
    4.5 详细场景交互设计    20
    4.6 视觉设计    29
    第5章 高保真原型设计    32
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