
    II. The Principles that Classroom Questioning should Follow
        Effective questions request teachers make preparation before class. Even if some teachers can ask questions extemporaneously, sometimes the arrangement of questioning lacks logic in many situations, or there are problems in language organization and the questions cannot make students use the knowledge or skills to answer the questions as expected. So if teachers would like to put forward reasonable questions in class, he must grasp and follow the classroom questioning principles. The detailed descriptions of classroom questioning principles are as follows:
  1. 上一篇:从认知语境的建构分析《献给艾米丽的玫瑰》
  2. 下一篇:论文化差异与英语词汇教学
  1. 性格差异下的初中英语课堂合作学习

  2. 初中英语教师在写作教学中的问题与策略

  3. 新课程背景下初中英语教师课堂角色的转变

  4. 初中英语课堂提问策略

  5. 任务型教学法在初中英语课堂的实施

  6. 新课标下初中英语课堂教学的效度探究

  7. 中学英语民主课堂的话语建构

  8. 公示语汉英翻译错误探析

  9. 德语论文德语汽车技术词汇中的名词特点

  10. 三氯乙酸对棉铃对位叶光...

  11. 黑白木刻版画中的技法表现

  12. Floyd佛洛依德算法详细解释

  13. 聚合氯化铝铁对磷吸附特性的研究

  14. GC-MS+电子舌不同品牌的白酒风味特征研究

  15. 张家港万吨级散货码头主体工程设计+CAD图纸

  16. 地方政府职能的合理定位

  17. 应用于ITSOFCs的浸渍电极制备与性能研究




