    As a kind of traditional teaching method, reading aloud has been widely used by language learners and teachers, and always found its way in language teaching. If foreign language learners really want to master a foreign language, reading aloud training cannot be ignored. Reading aloud can enhance middle school students’ English learning, however, the phenomenon of the ignorance of English reading aloud in middle schools is rather common, and this may be one of the significant causes of inefficiency in middle school’s English teaching. Based on the previous researches, this paper concretely analyzes the functions of reading aloud to improve middle school students’ English ability in listening, speaking, reading and writing, and the strategies and methods to promote the level of middle school students’ English reading aloud will be introduced.
    Key words: reading aloud; middle school students; English teaching and learning; listening, speaking, reading, writing                                                                   
     The Role of Reading Aloud in English Teaching in Middle School
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. Background Information of Reading Aloud    2
    2.1 The Definition of Reading Aloud    2
    2.2 Researches on Reading Aloud    3
    III. The Positive Functions of Reading Aloud    5
    3.1 Improving the Students’ Listening Ability    5
    3.2 Improving the Students’ Speaking Ability    6
    3.3 Improving the Students’ Reading Ability    7
    3.4 Improving the Students’ Writing Ability    9
    IV. Strategies to Promote the Level of Reading Aloud    10
    4.1 The Characteristics of Middle School Students    10
    4.2 Effective Ways to Improve English Reading Aloud    10
    4.2.1 Enriching the Forms and Motivating the Interests of Reading Aloud    10
    4.2.2 Paying Attention to Reading Instruction and Developing the Habit of Reading Aloud    12
    4.2.3 Enriching the Contents and Enhancing the Level of Reading Aloud    13
    V. Conclusion    14
    Bibliography    16
    Acknowledgements    17
    I. Introduction

    As a traditional language teaching and learning method, reading aloud has a long history both in the western countries and in China. It has played an important role in teaching and learning English. In China, English plays a rather major part in the conventional teaching. As far as entering a higher school is concerned, it is a cultural subject which students have to study and have a test on. As far as employment is concerned, the proficient English skills and English ability are beneficial for the students’ job-hunting. So English teaching in the middle school should be paid much attention to and strengthened greatly. The middle school students should take appropriate English learning method to improve their English level and comprehensive ability during their English study. Influenced by the traditional language learning and teaching method, Chinese EFL teachers, scholars and researchers also regard reading English aloud as a means of enhancing their English language proficiency. From their personal experience of teaching and learning English, they think that they benefit a lot from reading aloud. It is known to all that listening, speaking, reading and writing are four basic language skills. The skill of reading originally includes reading aloud (oral reading) and silent reading. However, since 1990s, much attention has been paid to language performance at the price of neglecting the basic skills, and silent reading instruction is more popular than oral reading instruction. Both teachers and students don’t think reading aloud is important because there are no examinations on reading aloud. So they need to spend lots of time teaching the students several kinds of silent reading strategies. Though it is easy to know that reading aloud is an effective way for students to enhance their language proficiency of English in many aspects, such as listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating, there is little research done to investigate the benefits of reading aloud to Chinese learners and in which aspects can reading aloud help Chinese learners learn English better. Thus reading aloud is gradually ignored. So the purpose of this paper is to investigate the effects of reading aloud on the English listening, speaking, reading comprehension and writing ability of these middle school students. It tries to prove that reading aloud is an effective learning method for middle school students to improve their language proficiency of English. Reading aloud is the most simple and effective teaching method and it is the best teaching method which can be applied at home and in class. And at the same time, the author also hopes that this paper is able to make English teachers attach more importance to reading aloud.
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