    摘 要留白是历代中国画画家所追求的创作手法。清代笪重光在《画筌》中说:“空本难图,实景淡而空景观。”又说:“虚实相生,无画处皆成妙境”。课堂“留白”是英语课堂教学中的灵动部分。在教学中,教师即要直说、实说、细说,又要力求含蓄、隐约、精练。本文提出了在小学英语课堂中留白以及留白的必要性,并具体阐述了留白在英语课堂教学过程中的具体实施以及实施过程所应注意的点。本文旨在扩大留白的使用领域和提高留白在英语教学的效率,从而使课堂教学更加灵活。21544
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. Necessity of White Space in English Teaching    2
    Ⅲ. Application of White Space in English Teaching    4
    3.1 White Space in Warming up    4
    3.2 White Space in Teaching New Contents    4
    3.3 White Space in Key and Difficult Points    5
    3.4 White Space in Questioning    5
    3.5 White Space in Blackboard Design    6
    3.6 White Space in Evaluation and Conclusion    7
    Ⅳ. Issues in White Space Application    8
    4.1 Preparation before Class    8
    4.2 Conception of White Space    9
    4.3 Improvement of Teaching Skills    10
    4.4 Sense of Great Curriculum    11
    Ⅴ. Conclusion    12
    Bibliography    14
    Acknowledgments    15
    White space is a creative approach that most ancient Chinese painters have pursued. Da Zhongguang, a painter in Qing Dynasty, once said in Hua Quan, “Empty is difficult to figure, real scenery pale and empty vivid”, “false and true, and where there is no painting, there is a wonderland”. However, as the art of teaching,there are some similarities to painting, and we might find some inspirations from the art of painting. White space in class is the most lively part in classroom teaching,so teacher’s lecture should be straight, elaborate, actual but also subtle and refined. This paper elaborates the necessity of white space in primary school English teaching, and its application in class as well as the issues that might appear in its application. The paper attempts to expand the scope and improve the proficiency of white space in primary school English teaching, so that we can make the classroom teaching much livelier and more flexible.
    Key words: white space; English teaching; creativity; flexible
    The Application of White Space in Primary School English Teaching
    I. Introduction

    New course innovation has brought forward advanced requirement to teaching and learning methods. It requires teachers to transfer teaching mode and students to change learning methods. It aims at developing student-oriented education, which pays more attention to training students’ innovative spirit and practice ability. It may be a big problem as for how to fully reflect the spirit of new curriculum reform in English teaching and how to improve students’ learning ability. In recent years, white space is applied in classroom teaching more and more widely. White space is one of the skills in traditional painting arts. It originally means that the layout of painting should not be too full. That’s to say there should be some space for beholders to imagine. White space in classroom teaching means that teachers should give students more time to explore and study on the basis of lead-in and circumstance created before, or should organize various activities in which students can think and analyze questions on their own (Ni 17). Through white space, teachers can inspire and develop students’ ability of creative thinking. White space not only shows the main role of student, but also develops students’ initiative and creativity.
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