    摘要礼貌是人类文明的体现,它不仅是一种社会现象,也是一种语言现象,它在人际交往中发挥着重要的作用。言语交际成功与否在很大程度上取决于礼貌用语能否恰当选用,因此探讨英汉礼貌用语的差异无疑会增强交际者的文化敏感性,帮助交际者达到有效的交际目的。本文通过对英、汉日常礼貌用语进行详细的对比分析, 揭示了不同的社会文化对礼貌用语的影响。通过本研究,作者希望能对提高学生的综合素质及跨文化交际能力有所帮助,能正确的使用合适的礼貌用语,顺利进行跨文化交际。23644
    毕业论文关键词: 礼貌用语;对比研究;跨文化交际
    Abstract  Politeness, as a symbol of human civilization, is a social phenomenon as well as linguistic phenomenon that plays an important role in interpersonal communication. In effect, the success of cross-cultural communication, to a great extent, depends on the selection of the appropriate politeness. Therefore, exploring the differences between English and Chinese courtesy language will definitely strengthen the communicators’ cultural sensitivity, help to achieve the aim of effective communication. This paper reveals the impact of the different social cultures on polite dictions based on the comparative analysis of daily English and Chinese polite dictions in detail. Through this research, it’s hopeful that this can instruct people properly to use the polite language and to improve the students’ comprehensive quality and the ability of cross-cultural communication.
    Key words: polite language; contrastive study; cross-cultural communication  
    A Contrastive Study of Courtesy Language in Chinese and English
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. Literature Review on Courtesy Language studies    2
    2.1 Studies of Politeness in the West    2
    2.2 Studies of Politeness in China    4
    2.3 Differences and Similarities    5
    III. A Comparison Between Chinese and English Courtesy Language    6
    3.1 Terms of Address    6
    3.2 Terms of Thanks    7
    3.3 Terms of Greetings    7
    3.4 Terms of Congratulations    8
    IV. Reasons for the Differences and Suggestions    9
    4.1 Two Different Cultures    9
    4.2 Differences of Thinking and Value    11
    V. Conclusion    12
    Bibliography    14
    Acknowledgements    15
    I.    Introduction   
        Politeness is a universal social phenomenon, for it can be observed in all languages and cultures, and it has long been an important object of the study of linguistics, pragmatics, and the study of cross-cultural communication. It also plays an important role in human communication: it helps establish, maintain or even consolidate harmonious interpersonal relationships and facilitate social interactions.
     Language, as an essential part of politeness, it’s not easy to learn well, for it is also culture-specific. Even if one has a large vocabulary and perfect knowledge of grammar, he might cause misunderstandings in actual interactions for improper usage and expression. Improper usage and expression result from unawareness cultural differences. Language coexists with culture. Learning a foreign language is more than learning grammars, because culture is playing an important role in it. In this sense, it can be said that language learning is culture learning.
    Courtesy language, as a part of language, is no doubt a reflection of culture. Exploring politeness, we must consider its cultural specificity and accordingly go into the depth where cultural values are firmly rooted, which means the study of politeness only exist when we take culture into account. Only by doing so can we uncover the essence of politeness and successfully account for its cross-cultural difference. Thus teachers of English should pay more attention to the culture so as to promote learners’ communicative competence.
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