Abstract From the middle of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century, the British Victorian novel created the first “golden age” on fairy tale in the history of English literature. Lewis Carroll’s two Alice’s adventure novels are the representative works of English fairy tale novels. In recent years, scholars have studied Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland from cultural background and other aspects. In this study, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland will be analyzed from perspectives of the features of fairy tales and reality of angels, combining with the analysis of background in the Victorian era.
Key words: Alice; romanticism; realism
On the Romanticism and Realism of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
摘 要 i
Abstract ii
Ⅰ. Introduction 3
Ⅱ. The Influence and the Author of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland 4
2.1 The Influence of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland 4
2.2 Introduction to the Author Lewis Carroll and Alice 5
Ⅲ. On Fantasy and Fairy Tales in Victorian Era 6
3.1 Childhood in Fairy Tales in Victorian Literature 7
3.2 Fantasies as a Secondary World in Fairy Tales 9
Ⅳ. The Romanticism and Realism of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland 12
4.1 Romanticism and Absurdity in Alice’s Adventures 12
4.2 The Reality World Behind Alice’s Adventures 14
Ⅴ. Conclusion 17
Bibliography 18
Acknowledgments 19
Ⅰ. Introduction
This book has been widely reviewed in newspapers and journals since its publication. Among the reviewing publications were The Times, The Spectator, and The Publisher’s Circular. The Publisher’s Circular selected the story as “the most original and most charming” of the two hundred books for children they were sent that year. At all events, this fantasy has now lasted more than one hundred and forty years. What is more surprising, it has withstood the stringent test of translation into more than 125 languages, ranging from Finnish to Swahili and from Chinese to Esperanto versions. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland has become a text brimming with profound insights for intellectuals in different fields. It has been considered as a model of experimental writing since its publication. Many outstanding writers like James Joyce, Virginia Woolf, and W. H. Auden borrowed freely from it. Even now, it is still read with enjoyment by children and adults alike, and still fires the imagination of creative people. When it was first published in 1865, this fantasy was regarded as an amusing tale for children, but gradually, it turned out to be a major work of nineteenth century literature and part of the history of serious imaginative writing. My attention is first directed to the figure of the child and the features of adult’s world as seen in this fantasy. And the most important is the “Absurdity” of Alice and the real world behind fantasy. Another reason for the present study is that Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland is not only a fantasy story entertaining the child, but an outpouring of the author’s desire from his inner world. The intention of this study is to explore Alice’s fantastic journey into adults’ world and try to discover the significance of fantasy behind Alice and the return from the Wonderland.
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