毕业论文关键词:英语阅读; 阅读策略;阅读前;阅读中;阅读后
Reading strategies are the various methods and activities to improve the reading ability for learners in the English learning. Reading is an important part in English learning, so it is of great help to learners to improve their English level that effectively improving the level of reading. This article mainly emphasize the status of English reading strategies in English learning from the aspects of the reading strategies’ importance and the specific contents of English reading strategies.
This thesis is pided into five parts. Part one is a brief introduction. The importance and problems about the text reading are introduced in the second part. Part three introduce the stages of reading which contain three parts, pre-reading, while reading and the post reading. Part four is to put forward the connation of the reading strategies and the effective reading strategies and to introduce the specific strategies to improve the ability of reading. The last part refers to the conclusion.
Key words: English reading; reading strategy; pre-reading; during-reading;post-reading
On the English Reading Strategies
摘 要 i
Abstract ii
Ⅰ. Introduction 1
Ⅱ. Test Reading and the Importance and Problems of Test Reading 3
2.1. Test Reading 3
2.2. The Importance of Text Reading 4
2.3. The Problems of Traditional English Reading Teaching 5
Ⅲ. Process of English Text Reading 6
3.1. Pre-reading 6
3.2. During Reading 7
3.3. Post-reading 9
Ⅳ. Strategies of Improving the English Reading Ability 10
4.1. The Reading Strategies 10
4.2. Selecting Appropriate Reading Material 12
4.3. Guessing the Meaning of Words 12
4.4. Overcoming the Shortcomings 13
4.5. Arranging Students’ Reading Literary Works after Class 14
4.6. Employing Various Test Methods 14
4.7. Integrated Skills 15
Ⅴ. Conclusion 16
Bibliography 18
Acknowledgments 19
Ⅰ. Introduction
In recent years, people pay more and more attention to the study of reading strategies in English. The language learning theory and the cognitive theory have proved that the process of language learning is a complex cognitive process of reading skills and as a part of language learning is also considered as a complex cognitive process. Research on the cognitive and psychological aspects of the psychological process has provided the form of strategy and the way of learning. At the same time, the training of reading strategies has also done a lot of researches. Although there are different researchers, most of the research results show that reading strategy training is of great help to improve the reading level. However, most of the research in this field is carried out in the English as a second language learning environment. Therefore, it remains to be further confirmed that these results are suitable for the teaching environment such as China. In the teaching of English reading in China, owing to the influence of traditional English teaching, most of the teachers are still adopting the traditional teaching methods, for example the translation teaching method, translating every sentence; and the analysis teaching of analyzing grammar of each sentence and so on. These teaching methods are monotonous and boring. They are not conducive to invoke the students interest in learning English, and also not conducive to the development of the formation of the students' practical language skills. After the reading classes, students always complain that they just learn a few words, not acquiring other knowledge. In fact, many English teachers have been aware of this situation and they think about the same question of how to stimulate students’ interest in learning English, how to make them learn faster and better, and whether there is a new method or technique to make our English teaching more rich and colorful. This test is a way of trying to look for answers to these questions.
- 上一篇:论《爱丽丝梦游仙境》的童话性与现实性
- 下一篇:元认知策略在英语阅读中的效果分析