
    Ⅲ. On Fantasy and Fairy Tales in Victorian Era
     Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland was written and published in Victorian Era, a period when the perception of children and childhood underwent a radical reconfiguration. Previous view emphasizing that children should be instructed to grown-up with social responsibility gave way to the idea that childhood was a time of past blessedness, a world completely different from the grating present. The new idea was influenced in part by the Romantic poets, especially Wordsworth, who also associated children with the idea of an uncorrupted natural world. The golden age of children’s literature in Victorian Era also sanctioned the modes of fantasy and fairy tale. English children’s fantasy has its sources in the particularly early and rapid English industrial revolution, and in the Romantic glorification of the imagination and the child. The ideas of the lost pastoral and of lost childhood fuse into one chord of longing for lost innocence which expresses itself through worlds that rewrite actuality (Manlove 146).
    Fantasy as a literary genre grew out of the Romantic Movement and was developed in Victorian Era most notably by Carroll, Thomas Rood, George Macdonald, Charles Kingsley, and William Morris.
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