    关键词:基本颜色词;文化内涵; 对比研究
    Color words are very rich in human language. And basic color terms are the prototypes in different color categories for they can show the color of their own category at its best. Color words, as a special classification in the language vocabulary system, have striking characteristics and historical inheritance.  The Chinese and western culture color words are endowed with different emotional and cultural symbol.  As we all know, there’s no doubt that some misunderstandings can’t be avoided in cross-culture communication for the discrepancies .As a result, the cultural contrastive study on basic color terms will expectedly benefit cross-cultural communication, translation and English teaching a lot. The paper chooses four basic color terms to make a comparative analysis of cultural connotations of basic color terms in English and Chinese, and further confirms that connotations of color terms embody culture. We should not only know the basic meaning of their own, but should profoundly understand its deep symbolic significance.
    Key words: basic color terms; cultural connotations; contrastive study
    A Comparative Study of Cultural Connotations of Basic Color Terms between English and Chinese
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. Comparison of Basic Color Terms Between English and Chinese    2
    2.1 Comparison Between Red and 红    2
         1. The Study of Cultural Connotation on Red in English    2
         2. The Study of Cultural Connotation on 红 in Chinese    2
         3. The Similarities and Differences on Red and 红    3
    2.2 Comparison Between Yellow and 黄    4
         1. The Study of Cultural Connotation on Yellow in English    4
         2. The Study of Cultural Connotation on 黄 in Chinese    4
         3. The Similarities and Differences on Yellow and 黄    5
    2.3 Comparison Between White and 白    6
         1. The Study of Cultural Connotation on White in English    6
         2. The Study of Cultural Connotation on 白 in Chinese    6
         3. The Similarities and Differences on White and 白    7
    2.4 Comparison Between Black and 黑    8
         1. The Study of Cultural Connotation on Black in English    8
         2. The Study of Cultural Connotation on 黑 in Chinese    8
         3. The Similarities and Differences on Black and 黑    8
    2.5 Comparison Between Green and 绿    9
         1. The Study of Cultural Connotation on Green in English    9
  1. 上一篇:日语论文中日端午节的比较研究
  2. 下一篇:英文论文英汉礼貌语的对比研究
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