
    Now, some scholars attribute the brand name to one kind of persuading and inducing version, and“communication, translation method”is usually applied to it. (Deying 27) That’s to say, they regard the target language as the core, the information transfer and convenient communication as the purpose, and the effect that the translated text influences on the readers as the focus. Some scholars apply the functional equivalence translation theory to brand name translation.
    The aim of brand name translation is to stride across the cultural barriers, promote the product, create a perfect product image in the consumer’s mind, rouse their purchase desire and stimulate their consumption, at last, make this brand name win in the competitive international market.
  1. 上一篇:非语言语境在文学翻译中的应用
  2. 下一篇:试论《喜福会》中的中美文化冲突
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