    摘 要翻译作为一种跨语言,跨文化的交际活动,不可脱离语境。非语言语境是语境的重要组成部分, 译者对于非语言语境的准确把握影响着翻译的准确性。作者参考了国内外对非语言语境的研究,通过对比分析前人的研究成果,确定了与文学翻译关系密切的非语言语境的几个方面,并结合大量例句论证了非语言语境的这几个方面是如何影响文学翻译及在文学翻译过程中应该注意的事项。通过对非语言语境和文学翻译的关系进行详尽阐释,进一步说明了非语言语境在文学翻译过程中的重要性。最终得出结论,认为不论是在文学翻译理论还是在文学翻译实践中,非语言语境都应该得到足够的重视。译者必须充分考虑非语言语境因素,重视非语言语境对文学翻译的影响,才能准确把握原文的意思并贴切地表达出来。23793
    毕业论文关键词: 语境;应用;文学翻译
    摘  要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. Context and Extra-linguistic Context    1
    III.The Influence of Extra-linguistic Context on Literary Translating    2
    3.1 Situational Context    2
    3.2 Social and Cultural Context and Translation    4
    3.2.1 The Influence of Values on Cultural Translation    5
    3.2.2 The Influence of Attitude of Faith on Translation    6
    3.2.3 The Influence of Cognitive Style on Tranalation    6
    3.2.4 The Influence of Literary Tradition on Translation    7
    3.2.5 The Influence of Ideology on Translation    8
    3.2.6 The Influence of National Tradition and Customs on Translation    8
    3.2.7 The Influence of Era and Environment on Translation    8
    IV. On Avoiding the Incorrect Application of Extra-linguistic Context    9
    4.1 Different Meanings of the Same Word in Different Contexts    9
    4.2 The Reproduction of the Original Scene    10
    4.3 Different Functions of Different Discourses    11
    V. Conclusion    11
    Bibliography    13
    Acknowledgements    14
    As one of the communicative activities of crossing language and culture, translation can not be porced from context. Extra-linguistic is an important part of context. Whether a translator can accurately grasp extra-linguistic context influences the accuracy of translation. This paper firstly summarizes the study of extra-linguistic context at home and abroad, and then, with a large number of examples, it demonstrates separately through how each part of extra-linguistic context affects literary translation and how to avoid the incorrect application of extra-linguistic context in the process of literary translation. Through illustrating the relationship between extra-linguistic context and literary translation in detail, this paper further explains the importance of the function of extra-linguistic context in the process of literary translation. Finally, it comes to the conclusion that attention should be paid to extra-linguistic no matter in translation theory or practices. Only translators consider extra-linguistic factors and notice that extra-linguistic context influences literary translation can they grasp and express the meaning of the text accurately and aptly.
    Key words: context; application; literary translation; 
    The Application of Extra-linguistic Context in Literary Translation
    I. Introduction
    Language is an information system specific to the human society. Its transmission and acceptation always occur in real environment. They are affected and dominated by real environment. This real environment is the basis of social communication and people who use language in society, in particular occasion, at a specific area, for a particular purpose, with the specific object of communication. Specifically, it is the social environment and natural environment of speaking or writing, the contexts of works, and so on, which we call the language environment, short for context. Translation, as between the two languages to convey the semantics of the purpose, is the language of communication activities. It occurs in the specific language, situational and cultural contexts, and in large part depends on the context. Context has always been studied by semantics, pragmatics, sociologists, folklorists, anthropologists, philosophers and cognitive scientists, while in translation the study of context has always been a complex issue, involving many kinds of cross-disciplinary. Here due to space constraints, this paper mainly illustrates the content of the context, the relationship between extra-linguistic context and literary translation, the role of extra-linguistic context in the literary translation to explore the importance of extra-linguistic context in the literary translation.
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