Abstract With china’s opening up and joining the world trade organization, more and more Chinese began to learn English. English is an important tool to communicate with foreign people which is indispensable for Chinese students. The new findings suggest that ability between boys and girls in language learning is different and the gender differences have great influence on language learning ability. This paper tries to discusses the reasons for gender differences in English study and put forward some suggestion to change the present situation with the hope to promote Chinese students’English learning and improve their English.ability.
Key words:English learning; gender differences; middle school student
The Research of Gender Difference in Middle School English Learning
摘 要 i
Abstract ii
Ⅰ. Introduction 1
Ⅱ. Differences Between Boys and Girls in English Learning 2
2.1 Difference in Motivation 2
2.2 Difference in Academic Performance 3
2.3 Difference in Learning Strategy 4
2.4 Difference in Memory 5
2.5 Difference in Confidence 6
2.6 Difference in Interest 7
2.7 Difference in Personality 8
2.8 Difference in Cognitive Style 8
2.9 Difference in Intelligence 8
Ⅲ. Causes of Differences 9
3.1 Physiological Differences Between Boys and Girls 9
3.2 Differences Caused by the Process of Socialization 10
3.3 Education Reason 10
Ⅳ. Suggestions 11
Ⅴ. Conclusion 12
Bibliography 14
Ackonwledgements 15
Ⅰ. Introduction
Gender culture has existed since human beings have existed in the earth The word “sex” can be used in English to indicate the sex or gender. the meaning of sex is based on the starting of genetic, together with the results of impacting of chromosome and hormone. And the meaning of gender is based on the aspects of physiological and the outcome of the socialization which is affected by the factors of society , culture and psychology. As the sex is determined, society and culture play a crucial role in it. gender roles, gender identity, as well as adapt to its role in behavior are completed in the process of socialization.
With the launch of the education for all-around development. We not only emphasize the ability of students, but also pay attention to alleviate the burden of the students' learning and create conditions to allow students to learn in a relaxed environment. It requires us to pay more attention to methods when we teaching English. To solve the problems of learning English, we should put forward more suggestions, so that students can learn English more effectively. Studies shows that many factors affect students’achievement in English, and the interaction of various factors caused the students' unsatisfied results in English. English ability is not only affected by the intelligence of the students, interest, learning methods, learning motivation but also by physiological differences between boys and girls. Because of physiological differences between men and women and other factors, students have different English learning achievement. Explore and demonstrate the difference between male and female students in English learning and try to find out the causes of differences in learning English can not only enrich the theory of English Teaching in China but also help teachers teach students in a effective way. it makes conditions for students’ further study and communicate with foreign people. Although gender differences in learning English is one of many factors affect English grades. it is very important for us to find the reasons which are affect it. And this also serve as an important step to promote the English learning. So this study is necessary.
- 上一篇:从城乡差距看农村英语教育
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